School and Corona: lessons at the museum?


Mask, Ventilation, Seating Requirement – A lot is tried to keep the school running even during the corona pandemic. But the increasing number of infections makes it increasingly difficult.

With a view to the increasing number of corona infections, solutions are being sought on how lessons can continue to be delivered in schools without putting students and teachers at risk. Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek continues to rely on masks and ventilation. The “Rheinische Post” advocated mandatory masks in all schools, including the classroom. “In a phase of high numbers of infections, I consider that a general mask requirement in class is reasonable, even in elementary schools, even if wearing masks during the day is of course a nuisance,” said the CDU politician . For them, however, the use of masks is the most effective means of facilitating lessons.

Karliczek also suggested moving to other rooms to gain more distance. Lessons can also take place in parish centers, for example, he said. There has also already been an offer from the museum sector. Of course, these rooms are not always suitable for teaching. “In general, a lot of creativity and tolerance is required here from all sides.”

With a thick sweater in the classroom

Karliczek also demanded flexibility when it comes to ventilation. Regular ventilation in classrooms helps, even if it’s cold as a result. Experts from the Federal Environment Agency and the Conference of Ministers of Education reached the same conclusion. “In the current situation, students can be expected to put on a thick sweater,” the minister said. However, mobile air filter devices cannot replace ventilation.

Esken: Alternate Small Groups

Maintaining face-to-face teaching is the primary goal of SPD President Saskia Esken, as well as protecting against infection. In the ARD morning magazine, he was in favor of teaching in schools only in smaller groups. It is important that children and youth meet with their teachers and classmates regularly. Therefore, schools must be kept open. “On the other hand, protection against infection is, of course, very important. That’s why smaller groups make sense.”

According to Esken, the concepts with the so-called hybrid alternative teaching, that is, alternative learning face-to-face and distance, would be useful. In the opinion of the SPD leader, they could also be used consistently at least at the top level. Now there is an infection process that does not allow to react only in individual places. “That is why I would like the ministers of education to propose to use these models in all areas to guarantee education.”

Unlike the spring, schools are generally still open in the current partial closure. In several federal states, it is already mandatory to wear a mask in class; however, elementary students are generally exempt from this.

The morning magazine ARD reported on this topic on November 10, 2020.
