Biden presents Corona’s strategy: “We are facing a dark winter”


The United States has been particularly hard hit by the corona pandemic. Reason enough for President-elect Biden to present his crown strategy before taking office. He urged Americans to fight the pandemic together.

During the election campaign, the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, left no doubts about what is an absolute priority for him and his future vice president Kamala Harris: the fight against the corona pandemic. After all, no country in the world has been so affected and has so many deaths from Covid 19.

Biden vows Americans will face tough times

And although Biden will not be presented to the office of the President of the United States until January 20, the 77-year-old man already went to the press today, a few hours after creating his own panel of experts to combat pandemics, to Discuss the main features of your crown strategy. to explain.

The core of Biden’s message: Americans are facing “a very dark winter.” Because even if there are initial successes in vaccine development – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German biotech company Biontech presented an efficacy study today – it will take months before enough vaccine is available. Then, however, the United States sought world leadership in fighting the pandemic, Biden said. And he added: “We follow science.”

“The mask is not a political statement”

A possible vaccine should be available to all Americans, regardless of health insurance status, at no charge, Biden promised. However, in the first place, an attempt must be made to protect particularly vulnerable risk groups. Also, a vaccine will be distributed fairly. Biden specifically named blacks, Latinos, and people of Asian descent who were more affected by the pandemic than others.

Once again, Biden appealed to his compatriots to do everything possible together and across political differences to curb the pandemic. The use of masks is essential for this: “A mask is not a political statement,” says Biden.

Biden and Harris prepare the delivery

Biden had already taken the first steps to prepare to take office. He and his future Vice President Harris started a “” website and a “@ Transition46” Twitter account for the transition period through January 20, the day of the inauguration. The website lists the priorities of the new presidency: the fight against Covid-19, the economic recovery, the fight against racism and climate change. His team “will face these challenges from day one.”

Trump wants to continue suing

As Biden prepares to move into the White House, incumbent Donald Trump makes no move to move. Although the number of voices calling on Trump to finally formally acknowledge his defeat, among other things, is said to have been advised by his own wife Melanie to do this, Trump continues to refuse to do so.

The current president of the United States repeatedly proclaimed himself the winner on Twitter, declared that the elections were not over yet and continued to speak of electoral fraud. More recently he wrote there: “Since when has the ‘Lamestream media’ been announcing who will be our next president?”

There are already several pending lawsuits against the result of the elections; According to his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, more lawsuits will follow on charges of voter fraud. “The first lawsuit will be in Pennsylvania.” He has “a lot of evidence,” Giuliani said.

Transition process blocked

Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the election result poses a problem for future work in the White House: Formal recognition is necessary to free up funds for the transition process. Biden employees can only start their work then, as this gives them the necessary access to government buildings, emails, and computer systems.
