Live US Election Ticker: +++ 05:45 Condoleeza Rice congratulates Biden +++


Former President George W. Bush has already congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the election, now his cabinet’s former Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, is doing the same. In a tweet, ask for reconciliation and respect. Rice was never known as a friend of Trump, even in the run-up to the 2016 election, she had spoken out against her friend from the party.

+++ 04:58 Merkel comments on Biden’s victory +++
This morning, Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to comment on the results of the elections in the United States. Merkel had already congratulated Biden at the weekend and offered close cooperation.

+++ 04:29 Saudi rulers send congratulations to Biden +++
As the last Persian Gulf state, Saudi Arabia congratulated Joe Biden on winning the US presidential election. King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent “best wishes for success” to the 77-year-old. King Salman explicitly praised the kingdom’s “historically close ties” with the United States. Crown Prince Mohammed, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, is likely to await the re-election of incumbent Donald Trump. He made billions in arms deals with Riyadh and prevented the United States Congress from blocking arms sales with his veto. With his hard line towards Iran, Riyadh’s arch nemesis, and a rather lax stance on the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia, Trump was an important ally of the Crown Prince. During the election campaign, Biden had promised a tougher course in relation to Saudi Arabia and an end to arms sales.

+++ 03:41 Trump’s team wants to prove electoral fraud with obituaries +++
Donald Trump apparently continues to cling to the hope that false claims about suspected election fraud could help him get a second term. The American news portal Axios claims to have received details about the planned campaign from several Trump advisers. Consequently, they want to prove with obituaries that the votes of the deceased were counted. These supposedly massive voices of the dead are a central part of the Trump team’s electoral fraud narrative, which was also distributed today on Fox News, among others. There is no evidence. The few alleged cases of fraud often can be traced back to misspellings in the dates of birth, and sometimes there is confusion due to duplication of names, The Guardian explains, among others.

+++ 02:50 Biden continues Trump’s vaccine program +++
“Operation Warp Speed” is what the Trump administration calls its plan to use an effective and safe vaccine against the coronavirus as quickly as possible. With billions in aid to industry, development will accelerate significantly. Joe Biden apparently wants to continue the project. Biden’s spokesman, Andrew Bates, said his medical advisers received reports from companies working on vaccines as early as September. Biden also met with major pharmaceutical manufacturers before the election.

+++ 01:56 Chinese media reacts optimistically +++
Chinese state media are optimistic about Joe Biden’s victory. “It is in the common interest of the people of both countries and the international community that the relationship between China and the United States improves and becomes trustworthy,” commented the state-sponsored Global Times. And China Daily, the country’s official English-language newspaper, said it would be crucial to reignite trade talks to restore understanding and trust in the China-US relationship.

+++ 01:22 Biden slightly expands leadership in Arizona’s largest constituency +++
Arizona reports a new interim result. After counting more votes in the Maricopa County constituency, Joe Biden may increase his lead there by 754 votes compared to Saturday. He is now 46,775 votes ahead of Donald Trump in the largest constituency. The race is the closest in the entire state. There Biden is only ahead by 20,102 votes. About 94,000 ballots have yet to be counted, according to CNN. The next update should follow on Monday.

+++ 00:46 Former Trump economic adviser congratulates Biden and Harris +++
Donald Trump’s former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their election victory. With more than 145 million votes cast, both parties deserved applause. It has succeeded in involving an unprecedented number of citizens in the democratic process, Cohn wrote on Twitter. The former investment banker chaired the White House National Economic Council until 2018. He retired from this position due to differences over Trump’s customs policy. The 60-year-old is actually a member of the Democratic Party, but he also donated large sums of money to Republicans.

+++ 00:10 Washington Nationals invite Joe Biden for first pitch of the season +++
The Washington Nationals are resuming a tradition that was interrupted under Donald Trump: Joe Biden will launch the first traditional pitch as the next president-elect of the United States in the new season. The MLB team in the US capital announced it on Twitter. The Nationals will play the New York Mets on April 1, 2021, the opening day of the Major Leagues. The first symbolic launch is an honorable task. According to the US news agency AP, the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, is the only president since 1910 who has not made a first pitch when there was a professional team in Washington. Biden played baseball as a child, and therefore should have a better figure than, say, American health expert Anthony Fauci, who was awarded the privilege at the beginning of last season. His litter passed well beyond the receiver and caused ridicule, by Trump, among others.

+++ 23:28 Berlusconi on Trump: “He was too arrogant” +++
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi speculates about the reasons for Trump’s electoral defeat: “I think he suffered in these elections for his attitude, which was often too aggressive and many times too arrogant,” said the populist, who himself was responsible for his The big ego is notorious, the Italian television host Rai. Election winner Joe Biden gets along with him. With his intention of being a president for all Americans, he could be “good for all of us,” said Berlusconi, 84.

+++ 22:31 Over 60,000 votes in Arizona uncounted +++
The United States has not yet finished counting all the votes. According to CNN, votes are not yet counted in the following states that are decisive for the election:

  • Arizona: According to CNN, about 44,000 votes were recently counted in Maricopa County. In Pinal County there were still 21,000 uncounted votes.
  • Georgia: In Fulton County, which also includes the metropolis of Atlanta, 5 percent of the vote must be counted. In Gwinnett County there are still 535 absentee ballots, 965 provisional ballots, and three military ballots because a software bug has delayed the count.

+++ 22:05 Maas: the environment should explain Trump’s electoral defeat +++
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas counts on people close to Trump to make it clear that Trump has lost the presidential election. We are used to a lot of Trump, so we can describe the current situation as “continuity,” says Maas in ARD. “It will not change the outcome of the elections. Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States,” he emphasized.

+++ 22:05 OSCE: “No forgery or fraud” in US elections +++
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) reiterates its determination that there were no major incidents in the US elections. “We found isolated errors and shortcomings, but no manipulations, forgeries or even fraud,” says the German OSCE monitoring chief Michael Link, according to a preliminary report in the daily “Welt”.

+++ 21:44 Biden further extends his lead in Georgia +++
Biden extends his lead in the ongoing count in Georgia: According to data provider Edison Research, he is 10,353 votes behind Trump after 10,196.

+++ 21:19 Trump: “Since when does the media determine who becomes president?” +++
After his defeat, the still president of the United States, Donald Trump, complained about the system that had been established in the United States since the 19th century in which the big media companies proclaimed a winner of the elections. “Since when does Lamestream media determine who will be our next president?” Trump wrote on Twitter. “We have all learned a lot in the last two weeks.” In the US, it is common for presidential elections to be decided on the basis of the forecasts of the mainstream media. The US news agency AP has a prominent position: the company puts a lot of resources into the election and is valued for its independence and precision. According to its own information, the AP has denounced the winner in the presidential elections in the United States since 1848.

+++ You can read what happened before here. +++
