Henry Kissinger: “I like Joe Biden as a person”


HEnry Kissinger, born in Fürth in 1923, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and foreign policy adviser to every American president since John F. Kennedy, spoke as always with calm, concentration, and almost hypnotizing analytical power. He was connected from New York for his conversation with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer SE, which was the culmination and climax of the WELT economic summit in Paris on Friday. Politicians and businessmen from all over the world participated. Among them, Capgemini CEO Aiman ​​Ezzat, Polish airline LOT CEO Rafal Milczarski, Rewe Group CEO Lionel Souque and WELT Group editor-in-chief and managing director, Ulf Poschardt. The WELT Group is part of Axel Springer. The interview took place on Friday, at a time when Joe Biden was considered a likely winner, but his victory was not yet 100% certain.

Mathias Döpfner: What effect will this election have on the American people and what does it mean for Europe and transatlantic relations?
