Biden’s speech after the election victory: “Do not divide, but one”


After winning the US presidential election, President-elect Biden and future Vice President Harris gave their first speech. In it they asked for a new union. Biden also announced a different crown policy.

Following his victory in the US presidential election, Joe Biden delivered an opening speech to celebrate his supporters in his hometown of Wilmington. Future Vice President Kamala Harris also spoke.

In his speech, Biden described his victory as “clear” and “compelling”. He stressed that he wanted to reconcile the country: “I promise to be a president who does not divide, but wants to.” Biden distinguished himself from incumbent Donald Trump without naming him. The former vice president called for a new political union. Political opponents are not “enemies”: “They are Americans.” It’s time to “heal” the country, the “age of demonization” must end, so Biden.

The president-elect made a direct appeal to Trump supporters: “I understand your disappointment. I’ve gotten lost a few times, but let’s give ourselves a chance now.” He was elected a Democrat, but he will be the president of the country and “will work just as hard for those who did not vote for me,” Biden promised. It’s time to put the harsh rhetoric aside, he said.

New Crown Policy

Biden also announced a new way to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday he will appoint scientific advisers and experts. They should write a plan that could be implemented immediately after he took office on January 20. Later, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president in US history.

Both Biden and Vice President-elect Harris noted that the real work is yet to come. We must contain the pandemic and build the economy, combat racism in the judiciary and society and avoid the climate crisis.

“We have the opportunity to overcome despair, build a nation of prosperity and purpose. We can do that,” Biden said. The Americans had given him the mandate to lead the fight against the coronavirus, ensure justice and eradicate structural racism: “The fight to restore decency, defend democracy and give everyone in this country a fair chance.”

Harris said voters had turned the tide in the United States. “When our democracy itself was on the ballot, America’s soul was at stake and the world was watching, you heralded a new day for America.” In choosing Joe Biden, Americans chose Hope, Unity, Science and Truth, Harris said. “The road will not be easy”, but America is ready “and Joe and me too.
