2020 US elections: CNN host breaks down in tears after Biden’s victory – foreign policy


There are tears of joy and relief because, in their opinion, American citizens finally chose the right one …

After the victory of Joe Biden (77) in the US state of Pennsylvania, and the resulting presidency, CNN host Van Jones (52) burst into tears in front of the cameras.

His voice choked with tears, he says: “It has been easier being a father since this morning. Now it’s easier to tell your kids: character counts, telling the truth counts. Being a good person counts for something. ”

At these words, Jones has to wipe some tears from his eyes with a handkerchief. Tears that show the pressure on the people in the United States since President Donald Trump (74) and the challenger Biden went head-to-head in several states that provoked the emotions of the citizens boiled on both sides.

Jones continues: “And this election also shows all Muslims in our country that they no longer have to fear that a president will not want them here. Immigrants no longer have to fear that a president will happily take away their children and return those with a dream for no reason … “

His voice cracks, he has to swallow several times, his feelings overwhelm him.

“This election means justice for all the people who have suffered. The “I Can’t Breathe” movement wasn’t just about George Floyd (the African American died after several police officers knelt on his body for minutes, editor’s note). It was and is about many people who were scared every day, in public, in stores. Fear that others will throw racist things at them for granted. These people fear for their children, for their families. You have to gather a lot of energy to bear it all. “

According to Jones, the choice of Biden is now “a big problem.” Because: “Finally it allows many some peace. It’s a chance to start over. “

Then Jones, very excited, speaks to his son and looks directly at the camera: “I want my son to look closely and understand: it is easy to do nasty things and get away with it. But at some point it will take its toll. It’s a good day for our nation. “
