2020 US Elections: Will Donald Trump Give Up? The president’s tired appearance on Fox News of all places


US President Donald Trump makes a listless appearance on “Fox and Friends” on television. It seems that it is already marked by the 2020 American elections.

  • Donald Trump resonates in his last interview before the US elections Fox News surprisingly resigned.
  • The president does not give a good report to his home channel.
  • All information and news about the 45th president of the USA can be found on Trump News.

United States – An appearance by the president that was perceived as particularly unmotivated Donald trump on his “home channel” program Fox News circulates in the American media. On Election Day in the United States, Fox gave the president the opportunity to vigorously promote himself again in front of an audience of millions and to mobilize his supporters. Alone: ​​the president does not comply.

Donald Trump on Fox News: He particularly likes giving interviews here. (File image)

© Brian Cahn via www.imago-images.de

Donald Trump Sounds Resigned To Fox News On 2020 U.S. Election

Appears first Donald trump On air 45 minutes later than expected and doesn’t sound full of energy. Rather, observers attest: in his last appearance under the scrutiny of the American public before the 2020 American election, he looked tired, almost exhausted. “The Daily Beast” describes his performance as that of a man who “has just awakened from a thousand years of sleep.”

While the conversation with the Republican on the “Fox and Friends” program, which in the past usually lasts 60 minutes, takes Donald trump only half the usual transmission time. The headline sounds almost pessimistic in some passages, among other things, it speaks to the fact that it was an honor to serve the US, notice past tense.

Donald Trump indicates for the first time that he will accept the result of the US elections, even if he loses

Sounds like the beginning of the interview Donald trump according to “The Daily Beast” as a man saying goodbye. The president chooses the past tense again when he explains to the visibly perplexed moderators: “This was a very special program for me. From day one we had a great relationship and you guys have a great show, so it was an honor. Host Steve Doocy responds: “We are honored that you selected our show as the first to be interviewed on television that you directed as president. It’s great that he’s coming to us today too. “

Surprisingly directs Donald trump to his “local announcer” for the first time on the question of whether he would accept defeat in the US elections. It promises the moderators that they will not be declared the winner before they have gathered a solid majority of at least 270 voters. His reasoning: there is no “reason to play”. Afterward, he doesn’t sound as sure of victory as before.

Fox News Host Asks Donald Trump If He Ever Wept Over US Elections – Trump Doesn’t Answer

Donald trump literally: “If there is a victory, we will probably have a victory. I think the polls are suppression polls and I think we are going to have a victory. “The president added,” I see a very solid opportunity to win. I don’t know what the odds are, I don’t know how you rate the odds, but I think we have a great chance of winning. ” Regarding a possible winner of the US election, Joe Biden, Trump says: If you have a bad time, he will not be able to deal with you. “

Host Brian Kilmeade asks Triumph He then asked him if he had been emotional at his last election rally on Monday, as this could have been “the last rally of his political life.” Trump responds that he felt some emotion but was only joking when he said on stage that he wanted to cry. “Did you ever cry while you were president?” His host replied. The question remains unanswered.

Donald Trump is disappointed with Fox News’ performance in the US elections

Then turn Donald trump directly against his “home channel” Fox. The station has “changed a lot,” complains Trump. What is the biggest difference between Fox today and Fox four years ago? He asks the president to answer his own question: “Fox is very different. Another place in politics ”. The conversation ended abruptly when host Doocy Trump pointed out that the White House team had told Fox “you have to go.” Trump’s response: “It was an honor. There was so much love. “(Mirko Schmid)

Rubriklistenbild: © Brian Cahn via www.imago-images.de
