“You know he lost”: advisers try to convince Trump of the inevitable – politics


“I will never give up,” US President Trump declared Friday, insisting that he still had a chance to win against challenger Biden, despite a clear gap in the major decisive states. But as the “Washington Post” reports, citing two confidants of the US president, aides have spoken to Trump for the past two days about an electoral defeat.

According to this, some insiders warn the president that if Biden is to be crowned the winner, he must promise a peaceful transfer of power. However, probably without a concession speech, as an election campaign aide explained to the American newspaper. This has yet to be discussed. According to tradition, the loser calls the winner and congratulates him on the victory. Then the winner declares himself publicly and the loser also.

How to quit without admitting defeat?

Trump confidants continue to believe that Trump is unlikely to admit defeat in the traditional way. Rather, even in the event of an electoral defeat, Trump would likely claim that the Democrats had “stolen” the election, as he has been doing for a few days on Twitter and in his public statements.

Trump admitted to advisers after election night that he had a tough fight ahead of him. But he believes this is worth continuing to lead. His confidants tried to prepare him for the fact that he would have to prepare for defeat. Many of his confidants would consider that this electoral result is more and more probable.

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After the president’s appearance on Thursday, in which he again questioned the legitimacy of the election results and, according to one analysis, he lied 19 times, advisers advised him not to appear in public.

Trump spent the days after Election Night consulting with some of his closest confidants, including Vice President Mike Pence, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and his attorney Rudolph Giuliani.

[Jetzt noch mehr wissen mit TPlus: Lesen Sie hier, wie Trump im Weißen Haus bleiben könnte, selbst wenn er die Wahl verliert.]

His advisers have split into two groups, the Washington Post writes: a group that, like Trump, is still waiting for a victory and wants to fight for it; and a group of officials, some of them Republicans, who believe that Biden will win the US election.

“They know he lost, but no one seems willing to tell King Lear or crazy King George that they lost the empire,” the Washington Post quoted a Republican who, according to the report, was a regular in the White House. Is in contact.

According to the US newspaper, an insider who spoke to the US president on Thursday said Trump’s children in particular were angry about a possible defeat. Donald Trump Jr. called on Twitter Thursday for a “total war” to expose voter fraud. Twitter provided this tweet with a warning. Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump also attacked Republicans on Twitter because they believed they were not doing enough to defend their father.

Trump, meanwhile, followed the election updates on television on Friday, contacted his allies and asked them to “fight and defend me.” Despite all the nervousness currently reigning in the White House, the confidant does not believe, according to the report, that Trump is ultimately refusing to leave the official seat.

One ally called this scenario a “liberal fever dream.” Rather, they are confident that Trump will leave the White House, even if he probably won’t admit defeat.
