Strobl wants to admit those who refuse to the clinic // Aktuell “SWR


Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister calls for tough action against those who refuse to quarantine. She wants to be admitted to a closed hospital the first time she breaks the law.

Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) wants those who refuse quarantine to be forcibly transferred to a closed hospital, and that’s after the first known violation. He suggests that in a letter to Social Affairs Minister Manfred Lucha and Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (both Greens). The SWR has the letter. In Wendlingen (Esslingen district), for example, a person violated the requirements several times in a few days and did not adhere to domestic isolation. Mandatory segregation is therefore an important means of protecting health, the interior minister said. It is based on article 30 of the Infection Protection Act, according to which forced isolation of infected persons or contact persons is possible if they do not enter quarantine at home.

Interior Minister Strobl (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / Uwe Anspach / dpa (file))

Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) wants to crack down on those who refuse quarantine.

dpa Bildfunk

Picture Alliance / Uwe Anspach / dpa (file)

The general public has the right to be protected from known and preventable health hazards. Mandatory temporary isolation in a closed hospital is an important means under the Infection Protection Act, Strobl said.

Clinic in the southern Black Forest as a central quarantine clinic

Strobl proposes the old St. Blasien lung clinic in the southern Black Forest as accommodation for those who refuse to quarantine. According to Strobl, a forced admission in relation to Corona must be handled “in an orderly judicial procedure”, that is, by means of a court order. Small and medium-sized communities, in particular, are overwhelmed by taking the necessary legal steps on short notice while at the same time looking for suitable accommodation for those who refuse to quarantine. To alleviate the municipalities, the state must take on this task.

Struggle: quarantine objectors are isolated cases

According to the Minister of Social Affairs, Lucha, harsh sanctions must be imposed on those who refuse to be quarantined, as it is a serious crime. However, Lucha would like to go in other ways than Strobl: “Since, to the knowledge of the health authorities of our state, there are individual cases, we do not need to establish a central facility in Baden-Württemberg.” Everything that is legally enforceable should, according to Lucha, be implemented in a decentralized way.

Local police authorities must immediately initiate the judicial process of “mandatory isolation in a closed hospital” after the first violation of the quarantine, demands Strobl. The German Police Union sees a lot of work to be done in such a case. The president of the state, Ralf Kusterer, fears some resistance from the objectors, with which the police would have to deal: “I see that difficulties are coming”, he says and asks that alternatives be examined.

SPD: Deterrence doesn’t hurt

Uli Sckerl, vice chairman of the Greens parliamentary group and an interior expert in the state parliament, said of Strobl’s proposal that those who refused to quarantine would endanger the health of their fellow men. “This is a serious crime and not a trivial crime. Therefore, we must ensure that the quarantine is enforced.” However, tried and tested means are already available, such as money for law enforcement or mandatory detention, Sckerl explained. According to the findings of the health authorities, those who refuse to quarantine are only isolated cases.

If the instructions and fines were useless, tougher state media would have to be possible, said SPD politician Rainer Hinderer. He is the health policy spokesman for the parliamentary group and said a pinch of deterrence does not hurt some.
