Joe Biden überholt Donald Trump in Pennsylvania


After Georgia, challenger Joe Biden edged out Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. You are about to win. This is the current state in the race to enter the White House.

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Democrat Joe Biden is the favorite down the stretch, while in the United States the last votes are counted in the presidential elections. Biden currently has 253 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidential election.. The challenger is just steps from the White House. In these states the choice is now made:

Pennsylvania (20 voters): Biden beats Trump

Shortly before the end of the Pennsylvania count, Joe Biden edged out Donald Trump. After the Democratic challenger has massively caught up in recent hours, according to CNN polls, he is now more than 5,000 votes ahead of the Republican incumbent. If Biden remains in the lead in Pennsylvania, the choice is made.

Georgia (16 voters): Biden now over 1,000 votes ahead of Trump

In Georgia, Biden was able to further expand his lead over Trump, according to the US television network CNN. Now he leads with just over 1,000 votes. On the night after American time, the Democrat had surpassed the Republican. As ballots received by mail were counted there, Trump’s original lead continued to decline. At 8.45am CET, Biden was still a few hundred votes behind. The count is almost complete. However, many US military personnel are registered abroad with the state. These votes can still be counted in the coming days. Georgia has 16 voters.

Nevada (6 voters): Biden’s lead is growing

In Nevada, which sends six constituencies, Biden was able to extend his lead over Trump. He is now just under one percentage point or about 11,500 votes ahead of Trump. Previously, the difference was only about 8,000 votes.

North Carolina (15 voters): close leadership for Trump

In North Carolina, after counting 95 percent of the vote, Trump leads by a few percentage points. The state has 15 voters.

Arizona (11 voters): US media sees Biden as a sure winner

According to estimates, the AP news agency and the Fox News television station consider Biden’s victory in the state of Arizona safe. But recently Trump was able to catch up in the important state. Here Biden is in the lead with more than 47,000 votes.

After counting 90 percent of the votes in Arizona (at 10:40 a.m. CET), the incumbent president now hits 48.5 percent and Biden just over 50 percent. The state provides eleven voters.

Alaska (3 voters): Safe bank for the current Trump

In Alaska only slightly more than half of all votes have been counted, but the state will most likely go to Trump. The incumbent US president leads with more than 60 percent of the vote, and the state grants three electors.

In these states the choice has already been made

Trump has these US states for sure (in parentheses the number of voters per state): Texas (38), Florida (29), Indiana (11), Iowa (6), South Carolina (9), Oklahoma (7), Alabama (9), Missouri (10), Arkansas (6), Ohio (18), West Virginia (5), Tennessee (11), Mississippi ( 6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8) Wyoming (3), North Dakota (3), South Dakota (3), Nebraska (4), Kansas (6), Utah (6), Idaho (4) and Montana (3).

A total of 213 voters.

Biden has these US states for sure: New Mexiko (5), Hawaii (4), New York (29), California (55), Arizona (11), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), Maine (4), Oregon (7), Vermont (3), Delaware (3), Maryland (10), Virginia (13), Massachusetts (11), Connecticut (7), New Jersey (14), Illinois (20), Rhode Island (4), New Hampshire (4), Nebraska ( 1), Colorado (9), Maine (3), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16) and the Bundeshauptstadt Washington DC (3).

A total of 253 voters.

In the United States, the president is not chosen directly by the people, but by 538 voters and constituencies. Each state has a certain number of them depending on the size of the population. The candidate with the most votes in the state basically registers the entire state electorate for himself. Exception: In Maine and Nebraska, electorate votes are divided by majorities in electoral districts. The overall state winner receives two more votes. In Maine, Trump won an additional voter and Biden won one in Nebraska.

Democrats or Republicans, who will get the majority in Congress?

On November 3, not only the president of the United States was elected, but also the entire House of Representatives and parts of the Senate. In the House of Representatives, Democrats were able to defend their majority. So far, they held 232 of the 435 seats in the House of Congress, which was fully available to vote in elections.

These are the current projections for the race for the House of Representatives:

The 435 members of the House of Representatives each represent an electoral district and are directly elected every two years. The survey shown reflects trends in constituencies.

Exciting Senate Fight: Who’s Ahead?

Democrats’ hopes of gaining control of the Senate were also seriously dashed. Several Republican senators, who were considered unstable candidates, were able to defend their seats. The result is still open.

About a third of the Senate is reelected every two years. This third is highlighted in the graphic.

Here are the current projections:

The Senate is made up of 100 senators. Each state has two seats. In states that have a mandate to grant, it is decided by majority vote. The survey values ​​shown reflect trends across the states.
