Millions say “You’re fired!” – That’s right


Hello dear readers

I hope you had a restful night and started the day well rested. This morning I am allowed to represent Florian Harms as an author of Dawn and my subject is, you guessed it, the presidential election in the United States.


Speaking of sleeping. Personally, I haven’t been able to calm down for days, and that’s because the closed result of the US elections. Contrary to what many polls had predicted, Democrat Joe Biden did not achieve a landslide victory against incumbent Donald Trump. Instead, often only a few thousand votes separate the two into crucial states. But the experts were right in advance with at least two predictions. In other words, there will be a particularly high number of postal voters. And so a large proportion of postal voters should vote for Biden. After all, Trump, whispering without evidence of fraud, warned against this type of voting.

Now we can see the result. Counting of the numerous ballot cards is carried out in the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, as well as in Arizona and Nevada. dying in length. And in many cases, the additional votes go to Joe Biden. Trump’s initial lead in key states is fading, and Biden has already secured several by a narrow margin. Meanwhile, the challenger is only a few electoral votes short of winning. And Trump senses the end of his presidency.

And it won’t be a glorious ending, on the contrary. One has been used to Trump’s angry tirades on Twitter for years. But what the president of the United States, after all the head of state of what was once a great model of democracy, has been doing everything since the elections. in tweets, remember more the statements of autocrats and dictators. “STOP THE FRAUD!” (German: stop fraud) says in capital letters and with exclamation marks. Or: “STOP THE COUNTING!” (German: Stop counting). But that’s not all: In a performance in Washington on Thursday night, the president confirmed his accusations: and again alleged electoral fraud without providing any proof. At the same time, Trump is sending an army of lawyers to challenge the election results or to influence the subsequent count.

It cannot be assumed that Trump will succeed with all this and that things will change again. Fortunately, when in doubt, US judges still decide on the basis of law and order. With his failures on Twitter, wild accusations, and groundless charges against democratic processes and institutions, Trump is doing serious harm to his country. In just four years, Trump, America has become more divided than ever, more angry than ever, and more violent than ever. And at the presumed end of his presidency, Trump is once again adding fuel to the fire.

Joe Biden Supporters Demonstrate in Philadelphia: President of the United States Takes Legal Action Against Additional Vote Counting.  (Source: imago images / Brian Branch Price)Joe Biden Supporters Demonstrate in Philadelphia: President of the United States Takes Legal Action Against Additional Vote Counting. (Source: Brian Branch Price / imago images)

Trump is not a normal politician, he has proudly emphasized it over and over again. As if it were fundamentally a mistake to be a politician. As if someone like him, the owner of the hotel and the golf course, as well as a former television host, could better govern this great country for that reason alone. That this is not the case is shown by an honest assessment of his mandate:

With much of what Trump promised his voters in 2016, What was supposed to be so easy, go so fast, and turn out so great, failed like a rocket. The trade war with China did not bring the slightest anger and capricism to the stock market. Its “great” wall to Mexico is full of holes like Swiss cheese. And its foreign policy, for example towards North Korea or Iran, became a dead end.

Many Americans are better off financially today than they were four years ago, However, according to most experts, this is an effect of the Obama years. Trump likes to adorn himself with these strange feathers. And then there is the crown pandemic, in which the US president proved completely incapable of responding properly. And in which another crisis that had been brewing for a long time came to light: that of the expensive US health system.

Donald Trump and virologist Anthony Fauci: Amid the new peak of the pandemic in the US, Trump is considering firing his adviser to the crown.  (Source: imago images / Stefani Reynolds)Donald Trump and virologist Anthony Fauci: Amid the new peak of the pandemic in the United States, Trump is considering firing his crown adviser. (Source: Stefani Reynolds / imago images)

There really isn’t much that Trump can write about on the credit side. Historians probably ranked as one of the worst presidents in American history. In his television program “The Apprentice” (German: The Apprentice), which aired since 2004 on the US station NBC, Trump once evaluated the performance of the candidates, with the exception of one with a smirk and the words “You’re fired!” sit in front of the door. Most Americans are telling you that now: with a simple cross on a nondescript ballot.


The Bundestag will discuss further steps in the fight against the Corona crisis starting at 9 a.m. The legislative plans of Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) include new rules for loss of income. For example, claims for compensation will be extended and expanded for parents who are unable to work due to childcare.

The Bundesrat also meets in Berlin at the same time as the Bundestag. Starting at 9:30 a.m. M. Going forward, the House of States will address, among other things, an electoral reform that aims to slow the future growth of the Bundestag.

FDP leader Christian Lindner will present Friedrich Merz’s book “New Time. New Responsibility” at 10 am In five chapters, it deals with the crown pandemic, reform approaches, and international politics. The book can be understood as a kind of Merz program for the party’s presidency and for his future chancellery.

1. FC Köln want to end their 16-game winless streak against dreaded rival Werder Bremen starting at 8.30pm. But hard work awaits the Rhenish. After all, Bremen started the new season surprisingly well with nine points from six games and is entering the game as a favorite.


Some lied and cheated, others had crazy adventures: True saints are rarely found among former presidents of the United States. Still, some of the former heads of state are revered to this day. How does Donald Trump rank on a list of past presidents? My colleague Marc von Lüpke has a suggestion.

Donald Trump and his predecessors Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy: Unlike them, Trump is unlikely to be considered a Donald Trump and his predecessors Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy: Unlike them, Trump is unlikely to go down in history as a “good” president. (Source: Getty Images / iStockphoto / imago images)

The electoral thriller in the US is causing unrest among the population. The race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is so close that even among students in the Republican stronghold of Missouri, the fear of “arguments” is growing. My colleague Steven Sowa was in contact with some of them and to learn that they are also not immune to narratives such as “electoral fraud” and “manipulation” from the president.

Transport Minister Andi Scheuer (CSU) invites you to an air transport summit on Friday, which of course takes place digitally in the days of Corona. Here, Scheuer, Altmaier and Co. advise industry managers on possible state aid. My colleague Mauritius Kloft you have already spoken with the director of the ADV Airport Association beforehand. Reports significant financial concerns and warns of potential airport bankruptcies in Germany.

What amuses me?

Last Hope Lady Justice?

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a good day and a relaxing weekend!


Carsten werner
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Twitter: @Carsten_Werner

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