2020 US Elections Live: Donald Trump Wants To Sue For Victory – “Illegal Votes”, “Election Fraud”


2020 U.S. elections
Trump wants to sue for an electoral victory: talks about “illegal votes” and “electoral fraud”

You can see in the video: Trump is rumbling, Biden is waiting: What’s next? Kruse, the star expert, on the game of chills in America.


Who can make the decision for themselves? There is a lot to be said for challenger Joe Biden right now. But his rival pulls out all the legal stops. The developments in the US elections in Stern-Liveblog.

The United States has elected its new president. But it is not yet clear who won the race. Not many votes have been counted yet. Will incumbent Donald Trump be re-elected after four years? Or will challenger Joe Biden of the Democrats win the race? Biden is currently leading and getting closer and closer to the big goal. But incumbent Trump has once again made it clear that he considers the election a fraud and will challenge it in court.

Who will win? Read here when to expect the latest results:

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2020 U.S. elections – the stern live blog

  • DieterHoss

    It is increasingly clear that many Republicans disagree with Trump’s attempt to undermine the election. The president has apparently crossed the red line for some Republicans, especially since he has so far not provided evidence of large-scale fraud. Real outrage or disconnection in the face of a more likely defeat?

  • DieterHoss

    Larry Hogan, Republican Governor of Maryland, has expanded its criticism of Donald Trump’s doomed appearance in the White House in an interview with the PBS station. The accused the president of having prepared the ground for the current procedure – questioning the results – with warnings against voting by mail. Hogan is the president of the National Governors Association. Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger urgedto produce evidence of allegations of fraud and present it in court. “Stop spreading exposed misinformation … This is freaking out “wrote on Twitter.

  • DieterHoss

    A group of lawyers who previously worked for Republican governments in the United States., issued a statement addressing Donald Trump’s fraud allegations, your declaration of the winner of the election before the end of the vote and your threats to demand describe them as “premature, unfounded and reckless”. Reports from the “New York Times”. “We hereby urge the President to patiently and respectfully allow the legal vote counting process to continue in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.and to avoid further comment or other measures that can only serve to undermine our democracy, “the attorneys wrote. A vote recount after Election Day is completely normal and occurs in every American election.

  • DieterHoss

    Ryanair blatantly mocks the president’s son, Eric Trump, in a promotional tweet: “This is a man who will no longer have access to Air Force One in the future and will have to switch to scheduled flights,” says the airline’s official account. “Don’t worry Eric, we have flights for 9.99 euros next time you’re in Europe.” Ryanair added a screenshot of an appearance by Trump’s son in Philadelphia, in which he claimed, among other things, that his father was being ripped off of victory in the important state of Pennsylvania.

  • DieterHoss

    The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, has assured Donald Trump of his support during the ongoing vote count after the US elections. He was by the president’s side, Pence wrote on Twitter shortly after Trump’s press conference at the White House. At the same time, he wrote: “We have to count all legal votes.” He wrote “Legal” in capital letters.

  • DieterHoss

    Meanwhile, the counts continue, and it gets closer and closer. In Georgia, Trump’s lead has now dropped to just over 3,400 votes. 99 percent of the votes are counted. And in Pennsylvania, Trump is now just 63,000 votes ahead. – 94 percent of the votes are counted here. Trump’s advantage with no absentee votes was significantly greater. In Arizona, however, Trump is catching up with Bidenalthough not as dramatically as in the other two states.

  • DieterHoss

    The appearance of Donald Trump in the White House makes it very clear that he expects a defeat with a probability that borders on certainty. Or do you also want to contest the elections, if you are still the winner?

  • DieterHoss

    The republican Governor Larry Hogan from Maryland shows no sympathy for Trump’s remarks: “There is no excuse for the president’s comments tonight that he undermined our democratic process. The United States counts the votes and we must respect the results, as we have always done before. No choice or person is more important than our democracy.

  • DieterHoss

    Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s niece has made disparaging remarks about her uncle’s behavior after the US elections. “This is what it looks like when a loser loses,” wrote Mary Trump. Thursday night during the White House press conference on Twitter.

  • DieterHoss

    Let’s summarize again: Trump has once again claimed victory in the presidential election and try, to raise questions about the electoral process with complaints of fraud. The republican He again accused the Democrats of trying to “steal” his election: “Yes the legal vote counts, I win easily. Yes If illegal votes count, they can try to steal our elections from us. “ Er bräftigte wanting to take massive legal action against election results in individual states. “It will go to the Supreme Court.”

  • DieterHoss

    The first reactions of the American media to this appearance are marked by confusion. He has yet to provide any evidence for any of his claims, it is repeatedly emphasized. There is talk of an “attack on American democracy.”

  • DieterHoss

    Following this tirade, Trump leaves the White House press room without admitting further questions.

  • DieterHoss

    Triumph: Democrats should talk about counting all legal votes, not all votes. We will win, because we have a lot of evidence. “It will end up in the Supreme Court”, we’ll see. “We hear horror stories.” This is not about the victory of Republicans or Democrats, Joe or me, but that cannot happen to our country. “

  • DieterHoss

    “Democrats never believed that they could win the election honestly, so they started voting by mail.” Trump said. Millions of vote-by-mail ballots have been sent to all kinds of people who haven’t asked for them at all. Nowhere is it checked whether the votes are correct. Trump speaks of a “corrupt democratic fraud machine.” Talk about taped windows and obstructions, for example in Detroit. (Note: the windows were apparently attached to protect against rioters outside, not to cover anything)

  • DieterHoss

    The popularity is enormous. “They are trying to steal our choice from us.” Detroit and Philadelphia are the “most corrupt cities in the country.” And the forest should definitely not make a decision there. Everywhere, observers would be hampered and alienated. It is obviously a fraud.
