State of the US Elections: The Count Continues – Biden Ahead


Biden has won the states of Michigan and Wisconsin and is on the home stretch. Trump tests the courts. The last votes could still be counted in Pennsylvania on Friday.

Democrat Joe Biden will go down the stretch as the favorite, while in the United States the final votes will be counted in the presidential elections. After winning important states, challenger Biden appears to be only steps away from the White House, despite incumbent Donald Trump declaring victory yesterday. In several states, Trump sent his lawyers with lawsuits.

According to CNN, Biden now has 253 of the 270 electoral votes required for a victory in the presidential election, Trump has 213. The race is still open in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada, among others.

Biden is catching up in Pennsylvania and Georgia

In Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump initially led, but Biden caught up and more absentee votes were counted. In Nevada, which brings in six electoral votes and could give Biden a precision landing, Biden held a narrow lead Thursday night.

Democratic supporters were more inclined to send their votes by mail than Republicans amid the coronavirus pandemic. Since there were delays at the US Postal Service, postal ballot papers are said to be valid in Pennsylvania and arrive on Friday afternoon. Trump and the Republicans will return to court.

Trump is suing in several states

The United States Supreme Court had approved the regulations before the elections. However, three conservatives among the nine justices were open to picking up on the issue again after the election. Trump also sued in other states. In Michigan, where Biden leads, he wants to suspend the count until his observers can get closer to the evaluating staff.

In Wisconsin, Trump calls for a recount in the face of a close race. It is likely that some time will pass before there is clarity. Nevada does not want to provide updated information on the status of the count until around 9 am local time (6 pm CET).

In Arizona there were still more than 500,000 votes to count. Here the situation is difficult: AP and Fox News hit the state with eleven Biden voters, the other stations have not yet.

Biden saw himself before Trump. “Now, after a long night of counting, it is clear that we are winning enough states to obtain the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency,” he said yesterday in Wilmington, Delaware.

“I will rule as American president,” promised Biden, who has yet to declare himself the winner. “There will be no red states or blue states if we win. Only the United States of America.” Red is the traditional Republican color and blue is the Democratic color.

According to matching media reports, Biden won the warring states of Michigan and Wisconsin against Trump.

Trump did better than expected

Trump did significantly better in the election overall than expected according to polls. Three-year-old Biden missed the clear victory the Democrats had hoped for and had to admit defeat to the Republican president in Florida and Texas, among others. Before the elections, the statistics portal “FiveThirtyEight” had only calculated a probability of around ten percent for a Trump victory.

Protests by supporters of both candidates

Dozens of protesters stood in solidarity with Trump on the streets. “Stop the count!” and “Stop the voting!” his supporters shouted in Detroit, Michigan. The police prevented them from entering an area where votes were counted. Angry protesters were also seen in Phoenix, Arizona, yelling, “Stop the robbery!”

But there were also protests from the other political side: in New York City and Seattle, for example, thousands of people took to the streets to demand that all votes cast be counted.

The president of the United States is not chosen directly by the citizens, but by the electorate. With the exception of the two states of Nebraska and Maine, all of your votes go to the winner in the respective state. 270 votes are required to enter the White House. In 2016, Trump won fewer votes nationwide than Hillary Clinton, but he won more voters.
