Donald Trump’s unprecedented attack on democracy


Good afternoon dear readers

Here’s a special edition of the sunrise, just in time for the start of the day in the US:

Breaking news, Live broadcasts, chat on Twitter and, above all, many superlatives: The 2020 presidential elections in the USA on the one hand, it obeys the known mechanisms of American media democracy (here you can get a quick overview of the results so far). On the other hand, it differs from the votes of previous years. This election is not a competition, but a battle. It is fought by all means and in the end it leaves more losers than winners. In reality, an election should be a highlight of democracy. In the United States of America, it is a hot spot of infamy this year. Both sides in the struggle for power, positions and benefits have crossed borders by cutting electoral districts in their favor, spreading smear campaigns and humiliating the opponent.

But the Republican Party and its lying baron in the White House they have struck much more brutally and unscrupulously than the Democrats with their candidate Joe Biden. They spread treacherous conspiracy theories, try to prevent their opponent’s supporters from voting, torpedo regional electoral authorities with legal complaints, and then the incumbent also stands up and claims that he has already won the victory while not all the stories have been counted. votes. . You want to stop the extra count. This is an unprecedented attack on democracy.

Republican supporters cheer as Republican supporters cheer when Fox News proclaims Donald Trump the winner in Florida during an election party in Atlanta. (Source: John Bazemore / AP / dpa)

The wound that Donald Trump is inflicting on America’s political system may never heal. For decades it was like this in the United States: a president can polarize, sharpen and fight hard. But you must always keep an eye on the entire country and feel equally responsible for all citizens. Donald Trump doesn’t do that. He warms his followers with martial slogans and insults the supporters of the Democrats. This man is clearly incapable of empathy or justice. We didn’t just know it today. But today it is more evident than ever.

Joe Bidens supporters at an election party in Houston, Texas.  (Source: Reuters / Callaghan O'Hare)Joe Bidens supporters at an election party in Houston, Texas. (Source: Callaghan O’Hare / Reuters)

What happens now? America wakes up the day after the election, but the most important decision is still open. Countless votes by mail must be counted, states Wisconsin, Michigan Y Pennsylvania on the Rust Belt too Georgia It turns out to tip the scales. “Nail biting” is what Americans call a tremendous game: it’s the moment you bite your nails and wait for the decision. But that can take hours or even days, and the political battle is likely to be followed by the battle of the lawyers. Both camps are already putting their lawyers in position. The Trump people evidently put more effort into this than preparing the content of a second term in office. That shows how little this president and his clan care about successful long-term policies. For him, it’s mainly about three things: about you, about you, and about you again.

So another four years of Trump? The prospect worries many of the leading German politicians. Called “surprising” Christian lindner Trump’s appearance when we spoke to the head of the FDP on the t-online live show this morning. “The situation is extremely dangerous.” CDU Lead Candidate Norbert Röttgen He saw it similar in an interview with our moderator Philip Friedrichs: “The Trump presidency is a break with 70 years of American foreign policy. When it turns out to be eight years, it will be an increase in everything we have lived through and it will fundamentally challenge us.” Head of the SPD Norbert Walter-Borjans He told us: “Either way: Europe must now draw conclusions and reflect on its own strengths.” Friedrich Merz He warned: “Even if Trump is not elected today, things will not be good tomorrow. The tone would be friendlier to Joe Biden. Still, the United States will remain very self-centered for years to come.” Chief of the Greens Annalena baerbock Judged in our interview: “The last four years under President Trump have been a disaster for the American people. The most important thing now is that every vote is counted. Everything is obviously very close.”

Could you say and that is why I can recommend that you visit t-online regularly in the next few hours. My colleagues will quickly and accurately inform you of all developments and background. I would like to recommend three contributions:

here our American correspondent Fabian Reinbold analyzes the current state of the electoral drama.

here our foreign affairs editor Patrick Diekmann explains the different scenarios in which Trump or Biden could win.

Y here See the highlights of our live stream.

I will contact you in the morning.


Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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