United States: Biden vs. Trump: What else you need to know about the 2020 U.S. election


WITHTwo days before the elections in the United States, President Donald Trump was confident of victory despite poor poll numbers. “Our numbers look very good everywhere,” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning (local time).

“Sleepy Joe is already beginning to withdraw from certain states. The radical left is sinking! ”Trump wrote. In fact, there is no evidence that Biden is ceasing efforts in any particular state; he and Trump were planning multiple appearances on the campaign Sunday.

The race for the White House is in the final stretch. You need to know that for the last few hours.

2020 US elections: how are the latest polls?

National polls see Democrat Joe Biden, 77, well ahead of Donald Trump, 74. By the way, also more clearly that Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump in 2016. However, only the results in the states are relevant.

Here the winner gets all the voters, no matter how close they are. In recent weeks there have been some polls that see Trump and Biden head to head even in Republican tribal states like Georgia, Iowa and Texas.

What states are important?

In much of the United States, the presidential election campaign hardly takes place, that is, in party strongholds, for example, in New York and California (Democrats), Kentucky and Mississippi (Republicans).

Are decisive swing states, Florida especially populated. The Midwestern states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin beat Trump in 2016 by less than one percentage point.

How many people vote and how many can vote?

In the last five presidential elections, turnout was between 50 and 57 percent, which is very low compared to other Western democracies. This year, however, there are signs of significantly higher turnout. By Saturday, more than 90 million eligible voters exercised their voting rights.

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For comparison: a total of nearly 137 million citizens participated in the 2016 presidential election. US citizens 18 years of age and older can vote for the president. Whether or not inmates have the right to vote depends on the states responsible for conducting the elections.

In some states, once incarcerated, people must have served all fines before they can vote. There is no federal teller like in Germany in the United States. About 240 million Americans have the right to vote on Tuesday, about 10 million more than four years ago.

Who else is running for office besides the president?

Tuesday is a super election day in the United States. Not only are the president and vice president elected. The 435 members of the House of Representatives can also be elected. The legislature of the house is two years. In addition, Americans decide on 35 of the 100 senators, who are each elected for six years.

There is a special case in Georgia: here both senators are newly elected. In addition, 86 legislatures are elected in the states, the so-called State houses Y State Senates. Eleven states vote for their governor.

There are also several local mandates to choose from, such as city councils, bailiffs or members of the school supervisory bodies. That is why Trump or Biden are not currently advertising on the front lawns of many houses, but for people whose names are only known locally.

How likely are the Democrats to take the Senate?

Very possible. Currently, Republicans have 53 senators and Democrats 47. There are 35 senators, mostly Republicans, to choose from. In polls, Democratic rivals in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina have a real chance of winning.

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Alabama, on the other hand, will likely go from Democrats to Republicans. If there is a tie in the Senate, the vote of the Vice President decides. If a president does not have the Senate on his side, that makes the government more difficult. Many presidents can tell you a thing or two about that.

Is there a winner of the election on Wednesday morning in German?

Hard to say. The clearer a victory is for Trump or Biden, the sooner the makeup of the electoral body will become apparent. That’s all that matters. At least 270 of the 538 voters are required. The first polling stations on the East Coast close on Wednesday morning around 2am Central European Time.

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Harvard scientist Kaiser

Did one of the two candidates win Florida and are most Midwestern states on their way to the White House? The closer the result is, the longer you will have to be patient. at state of oscillation Pennsylvania, mail-in votes received up to three days after the election are still counted …

Does the Supreme Court decide on the winner of the elections?

The closer the result, the more likely it is. Remember Florida in the 2000 election. It is very likely that one of the parties will sue. President Trump has already said that he can only lose if it is a fraud.

Trump speculated on a Supreme Court decision weeks ago. If the predominantly conservative judges will judge in your favor in the worst case scenario, you disagree.

What are the most important dates after the elections?

First of all: whatever the outcome of the election, Donald Trump remains elected president and until January 20, 2021. On this day, the future president will be sworn in in front of the Capitol in Washington. That is what the constitution establishes. A few days ago, preparations began for the dedication ceremony on the west side of the Capitol.

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But first you have to choose the president, and that is the task of the electoral committee. Decentralized, in the respective states, the total of 538 members meet on December 14. This officially makes it clear who will be allowed to move into the White House for the next four years.

The term of the Congress ends on January 3, 2021. On that day, the 117th Congress begins its biennial work. The newly elected House of Representatives should be constituted on January 3, the Senate in its new composition not much later.

This text is from WELT AM SONNTAG. We are happy to take them home on a regular basis.

