Coronavirus in Germany: “It will be a tough November”


Health Minister Spahn swore to the Germans the need for partial closure. That is a gigantic task. Intensive care physicians consider the November requirements necessary, but insist on better prevention.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) sees Corona as a huge challenge for both the government and citizens. “This pandemic is a gigantic task for us as a government and for each and every member of society,” he said at a press conference with intensive care physicians. The “climax” of this task has not yet been reached. “We are in a decisive phase,” Spahn emphasized. “The situation is serious.” Regarding the infection situation in Germany, he said that “there was nothing to overlook.”

The number of infected people is increasing exponentially. The number of people who must be ventilated due to a Covid 19 disease is also increasing too. “To keep the pandemic under control, we had to pull the emergency brake,” Spahn said, referring to the partial lockdown. It will be a tough November. Even after the end of the month, everyone should continue to be careful.

Spahn directly appealed to citizens to support efforts to contain the pandemic. “In the end, it depends on each individual, on you personally.” Everyone can make a difference. “We know how to do it.” The health minister said clinics and hospitals will provide comprehensive support in the crown crisis. “No clinic should be economically disadvantaged because of Corona,” he said.

“Lost summer”

Virologist Melanie Brinkmann of the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research criticized Germany wasting too much time in the summer. “We have to significantly improve our preventive measures,” he said. The top priority now is to end the new wave of infections. This could only be done by reducing their contacts each, he said. If 100 percent participate in the current measures, the lockdown will last significantly shorter and will be beneficial to all.

Robert Koch Institute Vice President Lars Schaade admitted that with the current pandemic, three million tests would need to be performed a week if all people with colds were tested for corona. “That is neither possible nor necessary,” he says. He defended the partial lockdown as the only way to slow the spread of the virus. “Otherwise, we could face 400,000 new cases every day at Christmas,” he said.

Infected more than 500,000 people

Before the press conference, local authorities in Germany reported 15,352 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. For comparison: on Tuesday a week ago, the figure was 11,409. The previous high was reached last Saturday: 19,059 new infections.

According to the RKI, a total of 560,379 people in Germany have been infected with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the Corona crisis. The number of deaths related to the virus has risen by 131 to date to a total of 10,661. The RKI estimates that around 371,500 people have recovered.

“The wave is now rolling towards us”

In view of the continuing high number of new infections each day and the fact that it is no longer possible to trace the contacts of those infected, concerns about the overload of the healthcare system are growing. Especially since the effects of the restrictions that are in force since Monday will only be reflected in the figures in two or three weeks.

Therefore, experts expect more Covid 19 patients in hospitals, including intensive care units. “The blockage will probably only affect the number of infections after 14 days and again 14 days later in intensive care beds,” said Stefan, director of the Intensive Care Clinic at the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Center (UKE). Kluge, im Bavarian broadcasting. “That means this wave is rolling towards us now.”

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on November 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm
