Terror von Wien: what we know, what we don’t know


foreign countries Vienna terror

What we know what we don’t know

| Reading time: 3 minutes

“We see an attempted complex attack here.”

A terrorist attack shakes Vienna. Terrorism expert Malte Roschinki ranks the first findings. The situation reminds him of the series of bombings in Paris almost exactly five years ago.

There is a bloody attack in the Austrian capital. One of the crime scenes is near a synagogue. The persecution is not over yet. An overview of the current state of knowledge.

secondSeveral people were killed and injured in a terrorist attack in central Vienna on Monday night.

The attack had started around 8 p.m. in a nightlife district, where many people were out shortly before the curfews of the new crown began. There is also a synagogue there. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz condemned the attack as a “repulsive terrorist attack”.

Even after midnight there was still nothing clear. The entire center of the Austrian capital was largely cordoned off. The authorities appealed to citizens to stay home. In addition to the police, soldiers were also deployed to protect the property.

What we know:

– Two deaths. At least two people were killed in the attack. A woman wounded in the attack died in hospital, as Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig told ORF television. At least one person had previously died in the attack. In addition, according to the authorities, one of the alleged perpetrators was shot by the police.

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Reactions to the attack in Vienna

– Several injured. In addition to those killed, several other people were injured in the attack, including a police officer. Ludwig told local media that 15 people were taken to the hospital. Seven of them were seriously injured.

– Heavily armed perpetrators. The alleged killer who died was heavily armed, according to Mayor Ludwig. Ludwig told ORF that he had a long pistol, a pistol, and a machete with him. An explosives belt may have been a mannequin.

Shooting in Vienna

Vienna’s first district Innere Stadt with the City Temple, Vienna’s main synagogue

Source: dpa / –

– Crime scenes in Vienna. According to the police, there were six different crime scenes. The first shots were fired on Seitenstettengasse, a busy street in the center. There is also a synagogue there. In the attack, “people in the bars” were shot “at random”, especially people who were sitting outside.

– Islamist background. According to Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, the terrorist attack in Vienna was caused by at least one Islamist terrorist. The killer was sympathetic to the “Islamic State” terrorist militia, Nehammer said Tuesday morning in Vienna.

According to information from “Bild”, the Austrian security authorities are checking whether an Instagram account of a Vienna jihadist, which has now been closed, shows the murderer who shot several people with an assault rifle. According to the researchers, this is considered likely. On Monday morning, several photos were posted on the Instagram account: an oath of allegiance to the new IS leader and ammunition with the IS slogan. There is no official confirmation for this yet.

What we don’t know:

– Exact number of attackers. According to the police, several attackers with firearms were involved in the incident. Consequently, there were six different crime scenes. At least one perpetrator is wanted.

– Was the synagogue also a target? Israelitische Kultusgemeinde President Oskar Deutsch wrote on Twitter that it could not be said if it was one of the targets. “What is certain, however, is that both the synagogue … and the office building at the same address were no longer in operation and were closed at the time of the first shots.” Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said an anti-Semitic background could not be ruled out. At the same time, he added: “We can’t really say anything about the background yet.”

– Briefly tells the ORF that it is still It is unclear whether public life could resume Tuesday morning.. This depends on development at night. The suspects are still on the run. Compulsory schooling was suspended on Tuesday. The Director General of Public Security, Franz Ruf, announced that controls at the Austrian borders will be increased. According to him, barricades should be erected in Vienna.
