2020 U.S. Election: President Donald Trump Surprisingly Changes Election Night Plans


  • Delia friess

    sinceDelia friess


Donald Trump has new plans for the American elections. The president of the United States will move the election party to the White House and invite hundreds of guests, despite the crown pandemic.

  • Donald trump changed his plans for election night. The change of location is a surprise.
  • the The american president You don’t want to spend election night at your hotel, but at the White House.
  • Everything you need to know about the 2020 U.S. elections at a glance.

Update from Monday 02.110.2020, 8.30 pm: While the White House in the run-up to the United States Election is already widely sealed, is located Donald trump still on an election campaign tour. Shortly before leaving, the The american president Once again to the reporter: inside to express his disgust with him in Washington dc to express the applicable crown measurements.

“I think it’s crazy that Washington dc it’s sealed, “he said Donald trump on the White House lawn. The mayor of the city, Muriel Bowser, had previously sent a message to the Trump International Hotel reminding them of the current restrictions on meetings in the city. The campaign team of Donald trump According to US media, a party planned at the hotel on election night was moved to the White House.

US Elections: Donald Trump Changes Plans for Election Night on Short Notice

Update on Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 7.48 pm: The american president Donald trump has his plans for that US Election Night changed. Instead of holding the election party at his own Trump hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, the president of the United States wants the outcome of the election. 2020 U.S. elections now from White House Tracking. As the New York Times reports, there is good reason for this.

Consequently, the Trump Election Night Party it will take place in the East Room of the White House. Poll workers want, according to family members invite about 400 peopledespite the crown crisis. At the Trump Hotel, however, it is forbidden to gather more than 50 people in closed rooms due to the corona pandemic.

Trump’s challenger, Joe Biden, announced Saturday that he would spend election night in his hometown of Wilmington.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, transferred his electoral party to the White House.


2020 US elections: Donald Trump surprisingly changes plans for election night

First Report of Saturday, October 31, 2020, 4:13 pm: Washington DC – The place where US President Donald Trump with his family and confidants, including Ehefrau Melania Trump, He wanted to spend the election night, he has provoked strong criticism beforehand: from all places Donald trumpThe hotel itself, the Trump International Hotel, wanted the The american president the exit of 2020 U.S. elections follow. This brought him once again the accusation of conflict of interest: the place seemed almost symbolic as a mixture of personal and economic interests with the office of Presidents of United States to. Critical voices also complained about the lack of security conditions, especially with regard to the Coronavirus

US elections: Donald Trump wanted to spend election night in his own luxury hotel

Well have Donald trump your plans for the night of 2020 U.S. elections apparently surprising changed as the New York Times reports: Donald trump, his closest advisers: within and probably also his family, including most likely his Ehefrau Melania Trump and the Trump-Kinder Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany trump Y Barron Trump he will apparently spend election night in the White House.

Triumphs spokesperson: inside did not comment. A son of Presidents of United States, Eric TrumpHowever, he confirmed the rumor during an interview on Fox and Friends. Initially praised Eric Trump his father Donald trump Exuberant: Your father built the best economy the country has ever seen. In contrast, said the Democrat and challenger Joe biden a “bleak winter” ahead.

Donald Trump’s son talks about the “movement of love” in a television interview

When asked about the postponement of the event, said the son of US President Donald Trumpwho would consider adding the event to the White House move. It’s going to be a great night and he’s very excited as well. Eric Trump further. Eric Trump He also spoke of the fact that it was no longer about politics, but about a “love movement.”

He awaits confirmation of office in the 2020 US elections: US President Donald Trump.


Elections in the United States: United States President Donald Trump does not help Republicans in Congressional elections

The change of location on election night comes at a time when the US president. Donald trump is under great pressure. Your democratic challenger Joe biden is available in surveys Donald trump. According to surveys, it can be adjusted in important states of transition Triumph be. Both of them 2020 U.S. elections it’s in the United States a new one on November 3 congress chosen one. There could be a head-to-head race between Republicans and Democrats.

It could be running out for Donald Trump. Meanwhile it rises in the USA fear of chaotic State. Because Trump had repeatedly said in speeches and interviews that if he did American elections lose, the elections are probably false. furthermore, the The american president He also announced in the meantime that he would not accept a defeat. Only yesterday (10/30/2020) designated Donald trump Also on Twitter was the Supreme Court’s decision that mail-in votes in North Carolina were counted as “crazy” and “bad” for the country, even 9 days after the election. (Delia Friess)

Top image of the list: © EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ / AFP
