Protests against the Crown are increasingly aggressive – politics


There are clear demands that someone left on an A4 paper at the crime scene: the immediate suspension of all the measures of the crown, the resignation of the federal government. And literally “a live press conference broadcast by all television stations and new elections.” Apparently there should be no question about the political background to the crime when an explosive device exploded in Berlin’s Invalidenstrasse on Sunday a week ago. Assembled from aerosol cans and fire accelerator. At 9.30 am, a passerby saw a flame light up, very close to the Charité University Hospital.

The Berlin State Criminal Police Office is currently examining whether the case is related to another attack, also in Berlin a few days ago. Just hours before the explosive device exploded in Invalidenstrasse, unknown individuals had thrown several Molotov cocktails at the facade of the Robert Koch Institute. A security guard discovered the fire at 2:40 a.m., put it out, and the attackers were able to escape.

In a demonstration, a woman bit a policeman on the hand

To this day, security authorities are still unclear on how dangerous the crown protests can be. The police and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution have been following developments since March; there are regular exchanges and status reports. On the one hand, it is argued that despite severe restrictions on freedom, it did not become a mass movement. “A clear majority of people in Germany take the infection process seriously and welcome and follow the protective measures that apply in each case,” an internal status report from the federal government crown said on Monday. On the other hand, some of the protesters register radicalization.

Berlin police officers report that in one of the latest demonstrations a woman bit an officer on the hand. Even the parents, with the children on their shoulders, chanted: “Cane to the police.” There is great uncertainty about what is being discussed here and where it might lead. Although the demonstrations are getting smaller and smaller, the tone becomes noticeably harsher. “The public debate on protection measures is becoming more and more aggressive,” the Federal Government continued. This can also be seen “in a large number of crimes, including violent crimes that were recently recorded outside of meetings.”

It’s a hodgepodge of actors: esotericists, anti-vaccine agents, extremists

In Berlin, the State Criminal Police Office created its own investigation group, the “EG Quer”, in May to find out what danger could be brewing in the environment of the deniers of the crown. Together with colleagues from other federal states, the Berlin State Guard took a closer look at the networks behind the demonstrations, who calls for violence and where crimes are being committed. And to what extent right-wing extremists who think they see a good opportunity in the protests manage to hijack the demonstrations. Some major players, including well-known right-wing extremists and Reich citizens, have already received a personal visit from investigators, as a preliminary warning.

For several months, the Office of the Attorney for the Protection of the Constitution has been trying to get a more precise idea of ​​those political scenarios that are particularly mobilizing for the Corona protests. It’s a hodgepodge of ideologies and actors, it says there, and they’re by no means all extremists. Among the protesters were also esotericists, practitioners of alternative medicine and opponents of vaccination, conspiracy ideologues of all kinds, self-proclaimed lateral thinkers. But also bourgeois bar owners, restaurateurs and artists who fear for their existence and consider the government’s measures excessive.

“We recognize,” said Sinan Selen, deputy chairman of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, in the Bundestag’s Interior Committee in early September, “that other individuals and groups cannot be clearly assigned to the right-wing extremist scene. or the Reich citizen scene, but to use phrases beyond the constitution. “The demonstrations openly promote the abolition of parliamentary democracy and constitutional bodies, and people speak of courts against elected officials. One has to do with a “gross confusion of these statements with false information and esoteric conspiracy-theoretical pieces,” the constitutional protector warned.

The internal secret service receives reports from countries about the events of the “Crown rebels” and “side thinkers” there every week. Hundreds of demonstrations, protests and vigils have already been recorded. More recently, the number of meetings has decreased. Many demonstrations would be recorded, but they would not take place. Furthermore, there are currently not as many participants as in July or August, when around 38,000 people gathered for a large demonstration in Berlin alone. In October, the protection of the constitution featured 61 events with a total of around 25,000 participants, with the largest demonstrations taking place in Berlin and in Weiden in Upper Palatinate.

Jens Spahn has only been driving around the country in an armored car for weeks.

“We know from terrorism research that when the mass decreases, individual actors often become more radical,” says Matthias Quent, a far-right researcher and sociologist from Jena. Therefore, he does not see any reason to calm down, also regarding a case that became known recently in Minden, East Westphalia. A mannequin hung from a bridge, with a rope around its neck. “Covid-Presse” was on a cardboard sign, and a sheet of paper with the inscription “blind” was pasted over the doll’s eyes how much the longer the restrictions last, the more aggressive the demonstrations, “added Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the Berlin police union.

Authorities have now reacted elsewhere as well: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, also a hate figure among Corona deniers, has only been driving across the country in an armored vehicle for weeks. Too much hostility, too much hatred now hits the 40-year-old man. The bodyguards of the BKA are always by his side, a first for a health politician in the Federal Republic.
