Donald Trump: US President Downplays Biden Bus Incident


Showing by car who you support is something both Donald Trump supporters and Joe Biden supporters are currently doing. So far so harmless. Friday, however, got dangerous: According to Biden’s team in Texas, some Trump fans surrounded a Democratic campaign bus with their cars, pressured them and rammed an escort vehicle. Now the FBI is investigating. For the president of the United States, an absurdity, not the incident, but the investigations of the federal police. He wrote on Twitter: “The Patriots did nothing wrong.” During a campaign appearance in Florida, Trump played down the sensitive incident again on Sunday.

Donald Trump, President of the United States
“They were driving down the road and there was Sleepy Joe’s bus. So they escorted the bus. And now the radical left is saying, Oh, what a horrible thing, they escorted the bus.”

Neither Joe Biden nor his runner-up, Kamala Harris, were on the campaign bus. After the incident, the Biden campaign canceled two events in Texas. The Democratic candidate spoke in Pennsylvania on Sunday.

Joe Biden, presidential candidate
“There’s never been anything like this. At least we’ve never had a president approve of something like that. Friends, we’re not like that. We’re so much better than that.”

Donald Trump tweeted a video of his followers’ SUVs and the Biden bus right after the incident, with the words “I love Texas.” Critics accuse Trump of indirectly asking his followers to take more such actions with such statements. According to polls, Biden and Trump are in an unexpected head-to-head race in Texas. The state was previously a stronghold of the Republicans.
