Demonstration against crown measures: With the help of a trick, a speaker “089 unconventional thinker” wanted to circumvent the requirements


10,000 people attended the last Corona show in Munich, many of them without a mask. Today, “lateral thinking 089” reappears at Theresienwiese.

  • By November 1, the initiative “Think outside the box 089” again one Crown-Demo registered in Munich.
  • Already on September 12 he had approximately 10,000 people about him Theresienwiese demonstrated against conditions.
  • Now, a trick should help against the city’s strict requirements: The organizers want to hold the demonstration as a religious service.

Update on November 1 at 10:32 pm.: the Great show in Munich against Crown measurements had to against 18.55 Uhr of Dissolved Police be. Although the organizers announced that there would be no concentration but a religious service, this was not announced or by anyone. Hygiene concept been accompanied, so the Munich police.

As the event became more and more one loud concert changed, especially with regard to volume (All Saints Day is considered a silent holiday), finally the police intervened. Since the organizer did not show understanding, the event had to end, police said. Briefly took 1,900 people at the initiative event “Think outside the box 089” part. Some of them violated that Mask requirement, there were occasional reports.

Update from November 1, 4:59 pm: “This is not about freedom of assembly, this is about a religious service,” said one particularly astute speaker on Sunday. Theresienwiesebefore calling the participants in the Munich demonstration against the crown measures to pray with him. Why did the organizers of the Munich demonstration against the crown measures of your rally church service I want to do? Simply, in Outdoor worship services available in Bayern no maximum number of participants.

According to the Police in Munich At the beginning of the demonstration, everything was still peaceful, around 1700 people had already gathered at Theresienwiese. On stage, in that too Television pastor Jürgen Fliege when a speaker was expected, crosses, coffins with wreaths and flags of Germany were placed

More recently, the organizers of the Initiative “lateral thinking 089” while trying 5000 protesters to register. Two courts upheld city restrictions 1000 participants. (vs)

Update on November 1 at 2:55 pm: Even a higher level did not help lateral thinkers. The Bavarian Administrative Court (VGH) has confirmed the requirements of the city of Munich for a demonstration against the Corona measures on Sunday. This still applies – only 1000 protesters, only on Theresienwiese and at the latest by 9pm it was finished. Jürgen Fliege can come anyway.

November 1 update: Under strict conditions, up to 1,000 “lateral thinkers” will protest today on the Theresienwiese. Among other things, he has a former television pastor again Jurgen Fly announced as speaker. The demonstration must start from 4.30 pm and no later than 9 pm

Update on October 31 at 10:45 pm.: the Munich Administrative Court has urgent requests from opponents of the measures of the crown against the requirements of the city for the planned on Sunday Demonstration rejected. The court announced this late on Saturday night. The alliance “Thinking Outside the Box 089“I went to court to lift the 1,000 attendance limit for Sunday’s rally, but it was unsuccessful.

Corona demonstration in Munich: administrative court rejects urgent requests

“If there are more than 1000 participants, Expect applicable infection protection measures to be violated“, Decided the court. In addition, the administrative court confirmed the decision of the state capital that for participants a Mask requirement applies as well as the prohibition of the meeting of feeding between Königsplatz and Theresienwiese.

The alliance can file a complaint with the Bavarian Administrative Court against the resolutions.

Update on October 30 at 6:07 pm: The one scheduled for Sunday Demonstration against the crown rules (see original report) may be alone under strict conditions occur. the District Administration Office (KVR) limited the requested number of participants on the Wiesn site from 5000 in 1000. The one with the organizers “Think outside the box 089” star march planned for Theresienwiese It was banned.

At four decentralized Stationary demonstrations with 200 participants each are allowed. the meeting on the Wiesn site it is assumed that 16.30 Start clock. The leader of the meeting, a retired police officer, was rejected by the city because it repeatedly invalidated the Constitution have denied.

The “lateral thinkers” want the restrictions in the courts to be checked. The administrative court will be on Saturday on any Urgent request They are located. In comparable cases, the judiciary had confirmed the city’s position. Only in September the Administrative Court lifted the restriction on the number of participants. At that time the infection was still continuing moderate.

After the closure announcement: Thousands of participants at the Corona show in Munich? Police are preparing for large-scale operations

Original report of October 29: Munich – from Monday is Munich* again in Lock mode. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) I even want that Disaster proclaim for Bavaria. That doesn’t suit everyone. The initiative “Think outside the box 089” is planning a demonstration against them on Sunday Crown measurements.

A star march is planned that will turn around at the same time 2.30pm from Karlsplatz, Königsplatz, Wittelsbacherplatz, Stadelheimer Straße, Sendlinger Tor and Sendlinger Park. At 4 pm one must then Massive rally about him Theresienwiese occur. Television ministers are the speakers Jurgen Fly, the moderator Nana Domena Lifestylerwho have favorite lawyers Markus Haintz Y Ralf Ludwig as well as the founder of lateral thinking Michael Ballweg Announced. The final demonstration at Theresienwiese is recorded for 5000 participants.

Corona Demonstration in Munich – Last time the KVR only allowed 1000 participants

However, the size of the demonstration has yet to be determined. the District Administration Office (KVR) I don’t want to make a decision until Friday. A KVR spokesperson said on Thursday: “The usual cooperation talks are under way,” which will probably not bring a satisfactory outcome for lateral thinkers …

On its Facebook page it was already read on Thursday: “This time, too, the KVR would like to reduce the number of participants.” The regulatory authority only allowed 1,000 people in the last demonstration in mid-September.

The restriction was at that time by the Bavarian Administrative Court in Second instance cancelled. Finally reunited on September 12 10,000 people on Theresienwiese to fight the Crown*-Regular show. Many of them didn’t use them mask*.

More about the Corona demonstration in Munich in September in the video:

Corona Demonstration in Munich: Judicial Power Decision Likely

That this time too Judicial will have the last word is very likely. “We will go to court again and claim our basic rights”, announce the organizers. The lateral thinking initiative campaigns to end the Corona emergency and “the full restoration of basic rights.”

There is “no plausible reason to keep scaring people.” For Sunday, lateral thinkers call funeral marches “in silent memory of our beloved Basic Law.” The announcement of the rally reads: “We ask everyone to wear suitable mourning clothing and bring a light for the grave.”

Police are preparing for a major operation on Sunday. In September 1,500 officers were summoned. * belongs to the Ippen-Digital publishing network.
