Demonstration for the riot “Liebig 34” evacuated in Berlin-Friedrichshain – BZ Berlin


According to the police, around 1,000 protesters from the left and the radical left demonstrated on Saturday night in Berlin-Friedrichshain against apartment evictions. The tires were burning, pyrotechnics were placed on the roofs.

The protesters first marched through the streets around Boxhagener Platz with banners inscribed such as “United we fight.” People chanted, “Yuppie pigs out of the neighborhoods.”

The police accompanied the march through Friedrichshain (Photo: spreepicture)
The police accompanied the march through Friedrichshain (Photo: spreepicture)

The route went directly through Friedrichshain, including the recently vacated house at Liebigstrasse 34:

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A few dozen leftist autonomists dressed and disguised in black were among the protesters. The demonstration was accompanied by a greater police presence.

The march received support from some houses on the edge of the road (Photo: AFP)
The march received support from some houses on the edge of the road (Photo: AFP)

Tires were set on fire in Liebigstrasse and fireworks were set off on some rooftops in adjacent streets, including on the roof of Liebigstrasse 34. From there a banner was lowered onto the facade.

The protesters light the Liebig 34 Pyro on the roof and have lowered a banner on the facade (Photo: AFP)
The protesters light the Liebig 34 Pyro on the roof and have lowered a banner on the facade (Photo: AFP)

Then there were arguments and fights with the police in front of the house. Smoke bombs were also thrown and bottles thrown at officials.

Police arrest a protester (Photo: spreepicture)
Police arrest a protester (Photo: spreepicture)

Police arrested several rioters. At first there were no exact figures.

Smoke bombs on Liebigstrasse (Photo: spreepicture)
Smoke bombs on Liebigstrasse (Photo: spreepicture)
A resident extinguishes a burning tire with a fire extinguisher (Photo: spreepicture)
A resident extinguishes a burning tire with a fire extinguisher (Photo: spreepicture)

Reports that the house had been reoccupied in the meantime could not be confirmed. Around 10:00 pm, the organizer declared the demonstration that had reached Bersarinplatz over.
