Corona or flu? This symptom indicates a Covid 19 disease: study of “reliable indicators”


Fall is cold and flu season. Or is it Covid-19 after all? A current study may help differentiate corona from colds and flu-like infections.

  • Runny nose, cough, fever: What symptoms indicate a cold, that indicate a Covid 19 * infection? There is uncertainty.
  • A new London study put corona-infected patients in the common symptoms examined.
  • Therefore, a symptom most likely indicates a Corona infection down.

Cough, runny nose, body aches – right now, in the typical Cold season, many people feel insecure – is it just a little cold, the flu, or even a corona infection?

the University College London (UCL) has published a study that may provide more clarity in the assignment of symptoms. According to the researchers, two symptoms should be “reliable indicators” of a corona infection. The scientists published the study results in the journal PLOS Medicine.

Also interesting: If you notice this corona symptom, see a doctor immediately; even fit youngsters are affected.

Cold, flu, or corona – you should pay special attention to these symptoms

There are many different symptoms that corona patients can experience. Unfortunately, many of them also show up in colds and flu-like infections, making it difficult to tell them apart at first. In the London study there were several Symptoms of having Covid19 infected subjects identified:

  • Chest pain
  • Labored breathing
  • A headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Sweat
  • stomach ache
  • cough
  • fever
  • Sore throat

The problem: all these symptoms could point to both Cold, flu and Covid-19 infection Tracks. But the more of these symptoms a patient has, the more likely it is a corona infection.

Keep reading: Shortness of breath due to Corona long after the mild course of the disease – doctors warn against “trivializing the pandemic.”

This unusual symptom is very likely to indicate a Covid-19 infection.

The UCL researchers also noted that a symptom of other illnesses like the common cold and flu is quite rare: Loss of smell and taste. Seventy-eight percent of the test subjects who complained of a loss of smell or taste carried corona antibodies. At the same time, 40 percent of those infected with the coronavirus who had lost their sense of taste or smell said they did not have a cough or fever. Head of Studies Rachel Batterham concludes from this that “loss of smell and taste is a very reliable indicator that someone is likely to have Covid-19.” *, and * also report on this.

His recommendation: Governments around the world should consider this symptom as a criterion for self-isolation, testing and identification of contacts to help contain the pandemic. So if you can soon no longer smell everyday odors and can no longer taste food, this could be strong. Indication of a Covid-19 infection its. Then you should definitely get tested. (mad) *,, and are part of the national publishing network Ippen-Digital.

Source: UCL

Read also: Dangerous flu: how to protect yourself from contagious infectious disease.

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Rubric list list: © Patrick Pleul / dpa
