Federal Chancellor Kurz announces a second blockade


Also in Austria, the corona pandemic threatens to spiral out of control, with the number of infections reaching new records every day. The country will be blockaded in November.

To combat the corona pandemic, Austria is restricting much of public life for four weeks. “From Tuesday, November 3 at midnight until the end of November, there will be a second closure in Austria,” Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) said on Saturday in Vienna.

Cultural and leisure facilities must close, except for funerals, no more events are held. The hotel and hospitality industry is also closing, only takeout and delivery are allowed. The superior sport is performed without an audience, the sport is only allowed outdoors without physical contact. Retail, schools and service providers such as hairdressers will remain open initially subject to conditions.

Crown crisis in Austria: new record on Friday

“You need to take this step to avoid overloading intensive care medicine,” Kurz said. On Sunday afternoon, the main committee of parliament has yet to approve the measures. The ordinance is valid until November 30, exit restrictions must be approved by parliament every ten days.

The number of infections has risen steeply for weeks to reach new highs almost every day. The government fears that hospitals will soon be overloaded. On Saturday, Austria tallied 5,349 new cases in 24 hours for its nearly 9 million residents, after a record 5,627 new infections in one day were reported on Friday.
