After a fight: 25 youths attack police officers in Frankfurt – News Inland


Frankfurt – These recordings are in awe! On Friday night, 25 youths attacked police officers on Frankfurt’s Zeil shopping street. They had previously tried to arrest a man after an argument.

Ein Polizeibeamter wurde offenbar am Polizeiwagen angegriffenPhoto: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

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Apparently a police officer was attacked in the police car.Photo: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

“Ffm aktuell” posted two videos of the incredible scenes on Instagram: a man in a red hoodie can be seen attacking the cops. It looks like you are spraying some substance on it. The policeman gets into his car. Amid occasional shouting and applause, officers attempt to lead a man to his car in a second video. They are stoned with objects, harassed, insulted.

There is speculation on social media that it was a matter of controlling a mask rejecter, according to the Frankfurter Rundschau. The police did not confirm this. It is also incorrect that the pepper spray was stolen from an officer.

Hier versucht einer der Angreifer offenbar, den Polizeiwagen zu stoppenPhoto: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

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Here one of the attackers is apparently trying to stop the police car.Photo: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

A spokeswoman: “At 10 pm there was a patrol at the Zeil. A physical argument broke out between two men. When the officers tried to find out the identity, one of the men resisted. One of the policemen (27) tried to arrest the man, he was attacked himself and fell with him. As a result, some 25 youths attacked the officers, throwing stones and bottles at them. The policewoman (24) was attacked with pepper spray. The officers called for reinforcements and began to withdraw. The man who was originally supposed to be searched threw himself in front of the police car, hung onto the outside mirror, which he thankfully dropped. The officers left. When reinforcements arrived, the young men had fled. “

  • Documentation at

    Interesting too

Die Beamten ergriffen schließlich die FluchtPhoto: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

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The officers finally fledPhoto: @ ffm.aktuell / Instagram

The 27-year-old officer was injured, required medical treatment and was unable to continue his duty. The police car was also damaged.

Nach der Randale am Opernplatz im Juli gab es ein Betretungsverbot ab Mitternacht in Abstimmung mit der Gastronomie und „Schließung“ des Opernplatzes von 1 bis 5 UhrPhoto: Reinhard Roskaritz

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After the riots at Opernplatz in July, entry was banned from midnight in coordination with catering and the “closure” of Opernplatz from 1 to 5 amPhoto: Reinhard Roskaritz

The violence in Frankfurt only escalated in July: on the night of July 18-19, an open-air party escalated on Frankfurt’s Opernplatz with 3,000 people. Almost 800 rioters were scared when police officers tried to help a beaten victim. Among other things, they threw bottles at the officers: five officers were injured and 39 rioters arrested.

The police are now investigating suspected personal injury and criminal acts against police officers and are seeking witnesses:
