Berlin-Brandenburg Airport: How the BER Degenerated into a Ruined Airport


April 2007 – building permit
Authorities review the construction application for nine months before granting the permit in April 2007. Originally only the central terminal and main pier are planned. The airport is scheduled to open at the end of October 2011.

July 2007 – Reorganization of the commercial area
Subsequent building application for the reorganization of the commercial area. Additional commercial space with high fire protection requirements will be planned after security checks. The main pier will be extended to the north and a door for large-capacity aircraft such as the A380 is planned in the central pier area.

December 2007 – North Pier Planning
Shortly before construction begins, the north pier will be planned and the main pier will be extended to the south. The extension will be approved in April 2008.

October 2008 – South Pier Planning
Now the south pier will also be built in the course of ongoing construction work. The construction application is submitted in March 2009 and approved in August.

2009 – Layer change
When Air Berlin announced that it would use the Berlin A380, the gate would be moved to the south side of the main pier, with far-reaching consequences for the entire planning of the building.

Level change
Starting in 2008, the non-Schengen area will span the entire width of the second level of the main terminal. Passenger flows on the main pier must be reorganized, combined with considerable structural changes and effects on fire protection and escape route planning.
At the same time, the passenger boarding bridges will rise to two floors. Now, the various planning stages, such as the draft, approval, and warehouse planning, overlap. Shell work is temporarily interrupted.

2010 – Addition of pavilions
The EU requires scanners to detect liquids in hand luggage. For this, two pavilions will be built. The opening of the airport was postponed until June 3, 2012.

2018 – Start of construction of Terminal 2
As a lesson from the construction disaster with the main terminal, the airport company leaves the construction of the second terminal to a general contractor. Completion as planned in September 2019.
