UK: Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering a new nationwide lockdown


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering a new strict partial lockdown on England in the fight against the crown pandemic. The Times reported that Johnson would announce the new corona measures at a news conference Monday. Consequently, everything must be closed except stores and vital educational institutions, such as schools, kindergartens and universities. The new restrictions could apply from Wednesday until December 1. The Times cited a senior government source that the measures had been discussed but a final decision had not yet been made.

Each part of the country in Great Britain with a total of almost 67 million inhabitants decides its own measures in the crisis of the Crown. Until now, Johnson had opposed calls for the reintroduction of crown measures at the national level. Now, however, in view of the soaring number of cases, concerns are growing that hospitals may be overloaded.

According to current data, around 570,000 people in England were infected with the corona virus at the end of last week, as reported by the PA news agency. In the last week, the number of deaths averaged 230 per day; the number of people requiring hospital treatment is now higher than before the national shutdown in March.

Scientists were convinced that there are now more than 50,000 new infections per day in England, and up to 500 coronavirus-infected deaths can be expected in the coming weeks.

Johnson had introduced a three-tier system for England in mid-October, in which different strict measures are applied depending on the tier. In several northern regions, pubs and bars have had to partially close and meetings between different households are prohibited. Critics described his approach as inappropriate. The Sage scientific advisory board had recommended a national shutdown to the government weeks ago.

The UK last imposed exit restrictions in March and April. Citizens were only allowed to leave the house to run important errands. Boris Johnson himself was ill with Covid-19 in late March. He initially spoke of “mild symptoms” on Twitter. Nine days after the positive result, he had to be hospitalized and was even treated in the intensive care unit.

Icon: The mirror
