Federal states should help each other: Germany distributes Covid 19 patients


Some regions of Germany are more affected by the coronavirus pandemic than others. This also affects the occupation of the hospitals. To avoid bottlenecks in the care of intensive care patients, the federal and state governments want to cooperate better in the future.

The federal and state governments want to distribute intensive care patients suffering from Covid-19 between federal states if capacities are in short supply. “If a situation develops that forces people to move beyond neighboring countries or regions, the so-called cloverleaf principle applies,” says the concept of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which is available to the newspapers of the Funke media group. .

The chairman of the health ministers conference, the Berlin health senator Dilek Kalayci of the SPD, told Funke newspapers: “For this purpose, Germany is divided into five regions, which report on the use of clinical capacities both within of the regions as between the regions and, if necessary, the free ones to make available the clinical capacities “. If a state or region shows signs of heavy use or even overload, supra-regional transport of patients to receiving regions will be organized through centralized offices in the regions. In this way, patients would receive the best possible medical care even when clinics are under great pressure. As explained by a spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the federal and state governments can initiate the concept at any time.

According to information from the newspaper, Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have joined forces in the north according to the concept. In the east are Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. In the southwest, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland will support each other. The most populous federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria form their own regions.

A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior said: “Clear structures and processes, medical advice and pooling of transport resources ensure that if there is an imminent or actual regional overload of intensive care capacities, a equilibrium within Germany even under complex framework conditions. “

The proportion of Covid 19 patients who need intensive medical treatment is relatively high, between seven and eight percent of all those infected, according to the Interior Ministry’s concept. “Therefore, when the number of cases increases, the capacity limits in intensive medicine are the first to be exceeded.” In recent days, the first clinics had raised the alarm and warned of impending overload.
