Has Prime Minister Markus Söder asked citizens to report Corona violations? When the Reuters news agency distributed the report on Thursday at 2:46 pm, the matter initially seemed clear: “Bavaria relies on information and reports from neighbors to control violations of contact restrictions in private apartments. The procedure is similar to Riots, Prime Minister Markus Söder said after a cabinet meeting in Munich. ” the Spiegel He further noted: “Restrictions on contact in private must be controlled by neighbors.”
Following these reports, the excitement on social media grew exponentially, eventually fitting into the common Bayern stereotype: the underdog are a bit reactionary when in doubt and don’t even stop at the department. The only problem with the story: it’s not true. There is no request from the state government to report the neighbors.
At that press conference, Söder said: “No one will ring the bell now … but if, of course, citizens are complaining, then they will be singled out accordingly.” A few minutes later he returned to the topic: “As with the disturbance of public order, for example. If you have a private party, regardless of the number of people, and there is a disturbance of public order (…) then the neighbors can give the proper advice and then the police come, and usually the police say please act differently. “
It takes a lot of malice to read a spy call. But both messages were now in the world. The opposition in Bavaria pounced on it: FDP parliamentary group leader Martin Hagen tweeted: “Söder relies on information and reports from neighbors to monitor violations” https://news.google.com/ __i / rss / rd / articles /. “The leader of the parliamentary group of the Greens, Katharina Schulze, went straight to the basics:” What kind of image of man is that … “
At 5:43 p.m., Reuters sent a message putting the alleged complaint request into perspective: “In reader comments on online media sites, this was described as a call to report. Herrmann (Florian Herrmann, Head of the State Chancellery, editor’s note) He then explained in the afternoon: Bavaria does not trust in the slightest suggestions and reports from neighbors when monitoring violations of contact restrictions in private apartments. All other interpretations are wrong and dubious. “Der Spiegel also remarked:” The police should enforce the ban on larger gatherings in apartments in the same way they proceed against riots, “Söder said.
That sounded very different. But fake news already had a life of its own. In the evening, the head of the Greens, Robert Habeck, broadcast an intensified version on television. During a chat with Maybrit Illner, he said: “What particularly worries me is that political institutions are now asking people to inform each other. So when the Bavarian cabinet demands that their neighbors spy on it, politics actually goes further. beyond what they’re doing. it should. ” And also: “And all together it can make you a bit scared of what political discussion we are leading.”
At least Habeck is right about the last sentence.