Intensive care units: double the number of Covid cases?


reGerman hospitals expect a large flood of corona patients in the coming weeks. “The infection situation is worrying,” said the president of the German Hospital Association, Gerald Gaß, of the FAZ. “We are confident that we will see a second wave in intensive care units in November that will bring in more than twice as many patients as that first wave in spring.”

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On Friday, 1,839 Covid 19 patients were treated in German intensive care units, 143 more than on Thursday. Half of the patients were ventilated. Of the total of 29,221 registered intensive care beds, 7,539 were not occupied.

Gass stressed that the focus on Covid-19 cases for other patients means that so-called elective operations and treatments must be suspended to make room in normal and intensive care units. As in the initial phase of the epidemic, “it will certainly be necessary to postpone services that can be planned and are not medically urgent,” Gaß announced.

Cancellations were not made to the same extent everywhere, “but regionally and gradually this will be inevitable.” Stopping treatment affects not only patients but also hospitals, which do not make money on empty beds. “We need financial compensation like the free assignment again. Without this we run the risk that the uncertainty will spread in the clinics, which is already noticeable, ”warned Gaß. “It is imperative that the reserve parachute components are reactivated as soon as possible.”

A similar approach can be taken with the additional costs caused by the pandemic.

A corresponding regulation had been omitted in the partial blockade agreed by the federal and state governments, Gaß criticized. “We would have liked this clear commitment when we made the resolutions on Wednesday.”

Gerald Gaß, President of the German Hospital Society

Gerald Gaß, President of the German Hospital Society

Image: Picture-Alliance

Premiums for beds that remained vacant expired at the end of September. A spokesman for the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), said that there was a follow-up regulation in the new Hospital Future Law. The crown-related revenue declines in 2020 could be “offset in the context of individual hospital negotiations between the contracting parties,” that is, between clinics and health insurance companies.
