Horst Seehofer is planning tougher rules for homeowners


Federal Construction Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) is now planning further obstacles to converting rental apartments into condos. This provides for a new draft of the building land mobilization law, which is available to the German Press Agency in Berlin. It is expected to be approved by the cabinet next Wednesday. Then the Bundestag has to give its approval.

In areas with a “tight housing market”, permission from the authorities is required if a house is to be divided into condominiums. Where, for example, rents are increasing at a higher than average rate or where the growing demand for apartments cannot be met with new buildings are questioned. However, exceptions are provided.

In a first draft of the law, the Federal Ministry of the Interior had already anticipated the difficulties to convert into condominiums. According to the ministry, this met resistance from some state governments, which is why the regulation was again canceled, which in turn led the SPD to the barricades. Group vice president Sören Bartol linked the approval of his group to the concessions at this point and to the tightening of the construction law.

In the case of a construction tender, the municipality can, among other things, oblige the owner to build on a piece of land within a specified period. According to the latest draft, the possibilities for this will also expand, also in areas with a tight housing market. Also in this case, Seehofer is planning exceptions, for example if the property is to serve as the owner’s pension plan.

Bartol applauded the “good bill.” “This is great news for both tenants and municipalities in Germany,” he told dpa. “With the Building Land Mobilization Act, we are giving municipalities the tools they need to be able to react to the dramatic situation in many cities and create more affordable housing. In the future, tenants will no longer have to worry about their apartment becomes against your will. Condo in conversion. “

With the planned expansion of the building law, Seehofer is implementing a building land commission recommendation with representatives from the federal, state, municipal and housing sectors starting in the summer of 2019. At the housing summit in September In 2018, the federal, state and local governments agreed to the difficult conversion of rental apartments into condos.

Icon: The mirror
