Doctors in general blockade: “Neither goal-oriented nor implementable”


The director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians has warned of a nationwide shutdown. Strong acceptance of crown measurements is important. Virologist Streeck also called for better protection for risk groups.

A coalition of doctors and scientists has spoken out against nationwide restrictions on everyday life to contain the corona pandemic. “A blanket lockout regulation is neither desirable nor enforceable,” said the director of the National Association of Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen.

“Commandments instead of prohibitions”

You cannot put the whole country “weeks and months in a kind of artificial coma”, also in view of the permanent damage to society, culture and the economy. Specific containment measures are necessary, according to Gassen. The cooperation of the population is essential for success, for example, in the rules on distance and masks.

The KBV president said it was wrong to “just record apocalyptic threat scenarios with a grim face.” The trick, however, is not to downplay it. To encourage the population to cooperate, one must “trust the commandments and not predominantly the prohibitions.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel and prime ministers will discuss the new crown measures on Wednesday. The federal government wants to control the number of infections with drastic restrictions on contact. According to a draft resolution, catering and recreation facilities across the country will be closed, entertainment events will be banned, and public contacts and celebrations in squares and apartments will be massively restricted.

Traffic light system and end of contact tracking

In a position paper, which KBV says endorses several other medical associations, a nationwide traffic light system is suggested for a transparent presentation of the infection process. It shouldn’t just be based on the number of new corona infections.

There is also a demand to move away from comprehensive individual monitoring of the personal contacts of infected people, which is no longer successful in many health authorities. Rather, priority should be given to cases involving medical and nursing facilities or events with many infected people.

Be aware of risk groups

Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck also criticized “the neglect of protecting the risk group.” Precautions and testing in nursing homes and clinics are not systematic enough. In addition, protection should also be established for people in risk groups living at home, such as masks and tests to be able to receive visitors.

The Hamburg virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit emphasized that the protection rules with a warning application of distance, hygiene, masks and crown are really enough, but they must be implemented consistently. This should be better educated, for example, also with people who do not speak German well. It is okay to reduce your exposure to risk. But many would be held at home, less in hotels.

“Take urgent action”

The Federal Association of Physicians in the Public Service was more alarmed in view of the increase in the number of infections: It is important that there are uniform regulations at the national level, said the president of the association, Ute Teichert in rbb. The number of those who have tested positive is increasing rapidly right now. “If we want to end this, we must take urgent action,” Teichert said.

He considers contact restrictions an embarrassment and a hardship: “But if you consider what is happening at the moment, in my opinion, there is no way around it.” Politicians must now decide at which points the contact restrictions make the most sense. “We don’t have drugs, we don’t have vaccines. The only way to prevent the spread of the virus is to reduce contact,” Teichert emphasized. The different regional resolutions are difficult for citizens to understand and confusing for health authorities.
