Closure plan: Lauterbach calls for controls also in private homes – internal policy


Shortly before the new lockdown decision between the federal government and state leaders, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach (SPD) suggested drastic control measures, and also crown checks on private apartments!

Lauterbach told the “Rheinische Post”: “We are in a national emergency that could be worse than in spring. The inviolability of the apartment should no longer be an argument for the lack of controls. “

These controls are intended to support the “closure of the breakwater” that Lauterbach had already requested on Tuesday. Lauterbach continues: “If private celebrations in apartments and houses endanger public health and therefore security, the authorities must be able to intervene.”

The SPD politician wants to end private meetings on a larger scale. In connection with his lawsuit, he also attacked the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), who had spoken out against such strong control measures. Lauterbach: “Laschet is wrong if he wants to continue tolerating such widespread events.”

Only with a “breakwater closure” could the complete closure of schools, nurseries and businesses be avoided. With such a closure, Lauterbach believes that schools, daycares and stores could remain open for vital needs, and businesses could move their work to the home office as much as possible.

Family reunions that cannot be postponed, for example funerals, could take place with a small number of people. Wedding or birthday celebrations should be avoided during the period, Lauterbach said. “Such a breakwater closure is our last bullet.”

Headwind of Lindner

FDP leader Christian Lindner reacted sharply to Lauterbach’s proposals on Wednesday. In an interview with BILD policy chief Jan Schäfer, Lindner said: “These are formulations intended to cause panic. Also, the fear of not being able to spend Christmas with the family is not recommended as intelligent communication with people. “

Lindner made it clear: “The inviolability of the apartment is a constitutional requirement. This inviolability of private spaces, the intimate sphere, is even guaranteed in the case of the fight against terrorism. Therefore, Mr Lauterbach proposes stricter measures than those used to combat terrorism. I can no longer consider that to be proportionate and what he is proposing is certainly no longer constitutional. “
