New Corona Resolutions: Aid for Culture, Bonuses for Teachers


Help for venues, amateur music and cinemas

In addition to theater operators, concert clubs and cabaret theaters, decentralized cultural organizers without their own venues must now be supported, as Art Minister Bernd Sibler (CSU) said. The aid program for amateur music will run until the end of June, as well as support for cinemas in the Free State.

Performance bonus for teachers and principals

As Söder had already announced on Wednesday in his government statement, the cabinet also decided on performance bonuses for particularly committed state school principals and teachers. According to Education Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters), the approximately 4,000 directors will receive 5,000 euros each. A bonus of the same amount will be awarded to around 14,000 more teachers who have distinguished themselves particularly in digitization or other Corona-related tasks.

Kindergartens and schools will be closed “at the end”

The Prime Minister stressed the absolute will of the state government to keep kindergartens and schools open for as long as possible. If there are high crown numbers, they should close last and, if possible, be the first to open again after a possible blockage.

Söder also spoke out in favor of taking into account the age of children when schools are closed. The motto should be: the younger the children, the longer they should be cared for and taught.

Söder calls for tougher measures before federal-state summit

Ahead of the federal-state summit on Corona on Wednesday, Söder warned against delaying difficult decisions. In his opinion, it is better to act faster and more consistently than to delay and then extend it. The decisive objective must be to reduce contacts. Therefore, it must be considered whether more fundamental measures are necessary throughout Germany. “We have to prove ourselves tomorrow,” Söder emphasized, referring to discussions between the prime minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

Söder did not say what protective measures he specifically considers necessary. The prime minister announced another Bavarian cabinet meeting for Thursday in order to implement possible federal and state resolutions.
