BR24Live: the Bavarian cabinet advises on the crisis of the crown


Aid for artists, bonuses for teachers and the development of a vaccination strategy against the Crown – the agenda of the Council of Ministers of the State Chancellery is extensive. Prime Minister Markus Söder, Health Minister Melanie Huml, Science Minister Bernd Sibler (all CSU) and Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (FW) want to speak at a press conference.

  • BR24 broadcasts the press conference in a live broadcast. BR reporter Eva Lell speaks with Katharina Schulze, leader of the Bavarian Greens parliamentary group, and Simone Fleischmann, President of the Bavarian Teachers Association.

Prime Minister Markus Söder had announced in his latest government statement that schools and teachers were particularly important in these times of pandemic.

“That is why we will increase performance bonuses for principals, because they are school managers. And those teachers who are particularly engaged – in digital lessons that present special formats, should also receive adequate performance support. Because I believe that performance It must be worth it – especially at school. ” Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on October 21, 2020 in the Bavarian State Parliament

Advice on helping artists

How high these awards will be and the exact criteria according to which they will be awarded, the cabinet wants to advise as well as additional support from the artists. These suffer particularly from the fact that fewer visitors are allowed in in many places due to the pandemic.

Who will get vaccinated first?

A vaccine against Corona is not yet in reach, but the federal and state governments are already working on distribution modalities. For the Bavarian state government it is clear: first the risk groups, that is, especially the elderly and the sick. Likewise, all health workers must receive a preferential vaccination.

According to Markus Söder, the communal corona test centers will also need to be used for the next mass vaccination. There are currently 87 in the Free State.
