Coronavirus: the vice of the CDU puts into play the blockade: “Everything adjusted for a week”


Germany Coronavirus

“Close everything for a week”: the vice of the CDU puts into play the blockade throughout Germany

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The Bavarian district of Rottal-Inn is closed

After the value of the incidence at the Bavarian Rottal-Inn increased to just under 280, the district has now been blocked. Chancellor Merkel wants to discuss Corona’s situation in Germany with the prime minister earlier than planned.

CDU federal vice president Thomas Strobl calls for a week-long shutdown in Germany if the crown situation worsens. Karl Lauterbach, an SPD health expert, presented a similar concept.

reCDU Federal Vice President Thomas Strobl calls for a temporary crown lockdown in Germany in case the number of infections spikes further. If the figures continue to evolve like this, measures should be taken into account, “for example, that we close everything once a week,” Strobl told the news portal “The Pioneer” on Tuesday. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach made a similar statement.

Schools, daycares and stores would have to close then, Strobl said. In this way, the infection process can be stopped. Furthermore, border controls are needed again. The advantage of this “very, very difficult” solution would be the time limit, said the CDU vice president. Then Christmas business and a Christmas together with the family would be possible again.

Lauterbach called for a partial closure at the national level. Bars, restaurants and cultural life must be suspended for a limited period of time, while schools and businesses must remain open. “We need a wave breaking like the one virologist Christian Drosten brought to the discussion, across Germany and as quickly as possible,” Lauterbach told the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” on Tuesday. Otherwise, Germany would be heading towards an uncontrollable blockade and in three weeks it would be there like France or Spain.

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Before that, the director of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, had put into play a “short and sharp lockdown”. “No sales for two or three weeks, and then we can start over,” Fratzscher said Monday on the SWR. In this way, the economy could return to normal relatively quickly.

More than 11,000 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in Germany in one day. As announced Tuesday morning by the Robert Koch Institute, citing information from health authorities, the previous day a total of 11,409 new cases were registered. On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to discuss the next steps with the ministers of state.

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Carola Holzner:
