Desperate Showman After Christkindlesmarkt Cancellation


Showmen and market traders are greatly affected by the cancellation of the Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt. Lorenz Kalb from the South German Showmen Association speaks of a “brutal blow to the neck” in an interview with Bayerischer Rundfunk.

“We are deeply moved. Today I had men crying on the phone, experienced men with existential fear.” Lorenz Kalb, President of the South German Showmen Association.

Everything the showmen did during the Corona period, like the Nuremberg Summer Days, was praised everywhere, including by the health department.

Now Lorenz Kalb awaits the support of the Bavarian state government, because the industry urgently needs it. Many showmen would have had the last reasonable income in December 2019.

300 volunteers wanted to help out at the BR Star Hour booth

The cancellation of the Christkindlesmarkt is also a severe blow to “Sternstunden”, Bayerischer Rundfunk’s charity campaign for children in need. Sabine Krombholz, who has been organizing the booth at the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg for ten years, reacted with regret, but also with understanding. “Health comes first,” Krombholz said. According to her, more than 300 volunteers wanted to participate in the Sternstunden booth this year, including many celebrities. “The booth is more than just collecting donations. You can talk to donors. These are great moments you can touch.”
