Corona stream: Christmas markets are being canceled by the ranks


Merkel: the social question sharpens in the crisis of the crown

Chancellor Angela Merkel described the crown crisis as a test of cohesion in society. The CDU politician said Monday night: “The pandemic with its various consequences hits us all, but some particularly hard, especially those who are not exactly on the sunny side of life anyway, They need care and support in everyday life, which now but can be even more difficult than usual due to the crown. And so the social question becomes more acute ”. Merkel spoke in a video message at the delivery of the 2020 Social Prize of the Federal Association for Independent Social Assistance.

The pandemic is proving to be a test for society and its cohesion, Merkel said. It paid tribute to the work of the welfare associations that run many homes and hospitals for the elderly, as well as kindergartens, care services and facilities for the disabled. Everyone faces special challenges because of the crown. They had to deal with an ever-changing situation that tended to get worse with the cold season that was coming.
