Brexit: According to Boris Johnson, US elections should not have any influence on talks with the EU


Consequently, a possible no-deal Brexit would only be announced if Donald Trump were to be president again. Trump is considered a Brexit supporter and if he wins the election, Johnson would immediately conclude a trade deal between the United States and Britain, according to the report. Trump’s rival in the November 3 election, Joe Biden, has more affection for the European Union.

Johnson is happy that both parties are back at the same table in the Brexit negotiations. “We will see what the talks bring,” said the prime minister. According to a British government spokesman, London and Brussels are now “in an intensive phase of negotiations” on a Brexit trade pact.

London returns to the negotiating table

The talks had made little progress so far, with London even leaving the negotiating table in the meantime. The parties resumed negotiations last week, and the British government justified the decision with a speech by EU negotiator Michael Barnier. Barnier has recognized important points for Britain, including respect for Britain’s sovereignty, he said.

Barnier had previously offered intensive negotiations in London in a speech to the European Parliament, saying: “I think an agreement is within reach if we are prepared by both parties to work constructively and in a spirit of compromise. And he added: “Our door will remain open until the last day, until the last day that it still serves.”

British voters had voted in 2016 with a narrow majority to leave the EU. Britain left the EU at the end of January 2020, but remains a member of the EU internal market and customs union during a transition period until the end of the year. Only then does the economic breakdown come. If no agreement is reached, there is a risk of tariffs and other trade barriers that would put great pressure on trade.

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