Reactions to Oppermann’s death: “We are all losing a friend”


The death of Thomas Oppermann caused sadness and consternation on all party lines. His fellow party members were deeply affected. Chancellor Merkel said she was losing a reliable Social Democratic partner.

Politicians from all parties paid tribute to Thomas Opperman, Vice President of the Bundestag, who surprisingly passed away. The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, called him an extraordinary politician: “His courageous and practical attitude made him an extraordinary politician who always acted with great responsibility.” Oppermann himself was the leader of the SPD parliamentary group from 2013 to 2017.

General Secretary Lars Klingbeil wrote that he highly valued Oppermann as a discussion partner and advisor. “His passion for politics was palpable for everyone. His death too soon surprises me.” Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz tweeted: “Our country is losing an accomplished politician, the Bundestag is losing a prominent vice president, and the SPD is losing a passionate and combative comrade. We are all losing a friend, and we are sad.” Chancellor Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter that Oppermann’s death was “a message in which time stands still. The pain is immeasurable.”

It collapsed before being published

According to the ZDF, Oppermann was invited as a guest to a live interview on the “Berlin direkt” program on Sunday on the topic “Bundestag and Crown”. He was supposed to switch from the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen to the program. While the first contribution was on the show, it suddenly collapsed. Then Oppermann was transferred to the University Hospital in Göttingen.

“The entire ‘Berlin direkt’ team is shocked and deeply affected,” said ZDF capital studio director Theo Koll. He added: “In the preliminary discussion about the planned change, we saw the politician who is always professional and relaxed.”

Chancellor deeply affected

Politicians of all parties in the Bundestag were also shocked by Oppermann’s early death. Chancellor Angela Merkel said she valued him as a “trustworthy and fair Social Democratic partner.” As vice-president of the Bundestag, he had rendered excellent services to parliament.

Schäuble: It will be missing, especially in the days of Corona

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble paid tribute to Oppermann “as a full-blooded MP” who comprised a passionate exchange of blows. Whoever met him for the last time, “met a man who, after the announcement of his departure from active politics next year, seemed calm and at the same time full of enthusiasm for the next projects,” said the CDU politician. In his office as vice president, Oppermann was careful to maintain the dignity of the house. “We will miss him very much in this extremely challenging legislative period, especially due to the pandemic.”

The president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, described Oppermann as a special person and a Democrat. His death hits her deeply. “It was always there, from my first day in politics in Lower Saxony,” wrote the CDU politician on Twitter. “We fought politically, but we achieved a lot. A special person and a Democrat is dead.” Von der Leyen was a member of the CDU of the state parliament and minister of social affairs in Lower Saxony, Oppermann was also a member of the SPD in the state parliament of Lower Saxony until 2005.

Altmaier: “A really good guy”

Economy Minister Altmaier, who was his group’s parliamentary director at the same time as Oppermann, said he was losing a friend: “You were a great democrat and a very good guy.”

CDU president Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer wrote on Twitter that she was shocked. Oppermann was “always a staunch Democrat and an upright Social Democrat.” “He will be missing.”

FDP Secretary General Volker Wissing said Germany was losing “a real politician with a big heart and a clear Social Democratic compass.” Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock stated that Oppermann’s “funny, unpretentious and just plain fine way” will be greatly missed. The leader of the Left Party, Dietmar Bartsch, praised the deceased: “He was a good person, trustworthy and passionate about the matter.”
