News: Donald Trump, Amy Coney Barrett, Corona, Emmanuel Macron, Recep Tayyip Erdogan


The (for now) latest events of the Trump administration

It is well known that Donald Trump US elections on Tuesday in a week lose (even if that’s far from safe!). Because Trump’s party and its officials know this too, they are working with all their might in these last days before November 3 to write as much as possible, that their potential successors can no longer undo – or what will at least bring them work.

In any event, conservative Catholic opponent Amy Coney Barrett’s appeal to the United States Supreme Court is almost certain. It is expected to be confirmed by the United States Senate today, Republicans have the necessary votes for it. The 48-year-old attorney succeeds liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She will massively move the weights on the court to the right. This is a huge success for Donald Trump, but especially for those conservative Christians who have often supported Trump since 2016 with their noses closed. It gives evangelicals the biggest victory in decades: the court will have a conservative majority of six to three votes; It is expected that the applicable national regulations Right to abortion it is restricted in many states; that too Health insurance law Barack Obama could be totally or partially invalidated.

If Joe Biden were elected in eight days, he would have only one highly controversial remedy: If the Democrats also win the Senate, he could increase the number of Supreme Court justices by law and appoint additional Liberals to the Supreme Court.

The Trump administration against the world press

A last minute move by the Trump administration affects the Freedom of the pressThis is the question of whether it will still be possible for international media, including SPIEGEL, to use their own from the US. Correspondents to report. the Department of Homeland Security wants to hamper their work in a way unprecedented for democratic western nations: international media correspondents should in the future only one visa for 240 days which can be extended up to a maximum of eight months; previously it was five years. It would be a state of constant uncertainty. Many correspondents are in the country with their families. In the future, every 240 days they would be faced with the question of whether they should leave the country; The question also arises as to the extent to which unpleasant reports could be punished by the withdrawal of visas.

Therefore, it would be very difficult in the future to send permanent correspondents to the US and to report competently on the site. Journalists and publishers’ associations around the world criticize the envisaged provision, which is still subject to objection today. Like ARD, ZDF and many media companies around the world, SPIEGEL protested against these planned massive restrictions. The “New York Times” comments: America would only harm itself.

Can Europe avoid the blockade?

At the beginning of this week there is a big question: How Europe Is the second massive wave still to break? Is that still possible without blocking measures? As temperatures have dropped, numbers have skyrocketed in many places and thus capacities in intensive care units are also dropping. In Germany, the number of infected people is still relatively low compared to other European countries, but the curve increases steeply. It is the week of truth.

Germany has more than 10,000 new infections every day, France already has more than 50,000. In Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic, infections are a multiple of the German number when converted to population. Once again it is interesting how different European countries reactWhile intensive care units are already reaching their capacity limit in some parts of Switzerland, the government is still considering whether perhaps it should do something. On the contrary, Italy (more than 20,000 infections per day) already decided on Sunday massive restrictions, in short: everything is closed from 6 pm – restaurants, bars, theaters. Fitness studios and ski resorts must close. In Ireland and the Czech Republic there is already a kind of confinement, in Spain there has been alarm again. The problem: Once development has gotten out of hand, a smooth adjustment will only help up to a point.

One thing is already clear in Germany: The CDU party congress December 4 will not take place – SPIEGEL found out yesterday from groups of participants. On that day, a new CDU president should be appointed so that Angela Merkel does not have to run for another term (just kidding). Today must be decided when and how the party congress will take place, possibly digitally.

… is the president of France Emmanuel macron. After an Islamist assassinated the teacher Samuel Paty Macron is a bit clumsy in one Conflict with Muslim-majority states – and also opened new wounds in his own country.

France was united in national unity for a moment after the horrible attack. However, it quickly became clear that the attack had brought an Islamophobic climate to the center of society: Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin spoke against halal departments in supermarkets Outside, two veiled women were attacked by women with knives near the Eiffel Tower. Macron announced measures to reform Islam in the country and stop foreign influence on imams and mosques. The goal is understandable: the French must be protected from Islamist attacks.

The main reason for the large number of Islamist attacks compared to other European countries remains the same. Nowhere in Europe do so many young Muslims live with no prospects outside of society.; Islam offers many of them one identitythat the country does not offer them, that does not justify anything, but it is important for the analysis of the problem. After the new murder due to a Mohammed cartoon, the mere debate on such drawings became difficult. The murdered teacher had taken into account in his lessons that there are different sensitivities, which of course do not justify violence. Macron, on the other hand, has postulated a “right to blasphemy”, announced a law against “Islamic separatism” and described Islam as a religion that is “in crisis throughout the world.”

With this criticism of Islam as a whole (and not just radical Islamism), Macron put himself at the center of a shit storm: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (with whom Macron has long been in conflict) questioned his status. of encouragement: France called its ambassador in response from. As reported by the Reuters news service, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Macron, accused of attacking Islam, there are now many places in the Middle East. Calls for boycotts against French products and supermarket chains: from the Gulf to Jordan, from Algeria to Iraq. Macron tweeted that they would not give in and that they would always be “on the side of universal values.” It is true that Macron defends freedom of expression, but the loud way in which he does it creates new problems, outside and especially within his country.

The latest news of the night
