CDU party congress: postpone – or not?


The CDU leadership is discussing the election of a new president in their party’s congress today. According to media reports, incumbent President Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to propose a postponement due to the corona pandemic.

Today, in the context of the drastically growing number of corona infections, the CDU leadership wants to decide if, how and when a new party leader can be elected. The CDU face-to-face convention with 1001 delegates for the election of a new party leader in Stuttgart scheduled for December 4 is off the table according to media reports.

According to a report from the “Welt”, the current party leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to propose a postponement to the CDU management bodies due to the increase in coronavirus cases. The newspaper reports, referring to party circles, in this case the election of a new party executive and a new federal executive would be carried out by postal ballot.

CDU politicians disagree

CDU Vice President Armin Laschet had previously urged CDU leaders to postpone the federal party conference scheduled for December 4 in Stuttgart during a five-hour discussion on the crisis. The party has several options, including a postponement or a purely digital party conference, he said at the CDU.

The leader of the union parliamentary group Ralph Brinkhaus, as well as the Federal Minister of Finance, Peter Altmaier, and the member of the CDU presidium, Mike Mohring, also spoke in favor of postponing the congress.

CDU president Friedrich Merz had spoken out Sunday against postponing the party conference. “This election must take place, even if a party congress in a place with 1001 delegates should not be possible at this time,” Merz told the Funke media group newspapers. After all, “there is no state emergency.”

Kramp-Karrenbauer announced its withdrawal in February. In reality, the election of his successor was scheduled for April; Due to the corona pandemic, the date was postponed to December 4. Then 1001 delegates will meet in Stuttgart according to previous plans under strict hygiene rules.
