Belarus: apparently shots and detonations during a protest against Alexander Lukashenko


In a mass demonstration against the Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko, it is said that shots were fired on Sunday. Independent media reported that security forces detonated stun grenades in the backyards of Orlovskaya Street.

More than 100,000 people took to the streets in the capital, Minsk, on Sunday. They demand the resignation of the ruler Lukashenko. According to eyewitnesses, the situation worsened when the demonstration broke up. The videos show protesters running into backyards, detonations, lightning and smoke can be seen and gunshots can be heard.

A reporter for the Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta”, which is critical of the Kremlin, reported on the ground that the security forces aimed rubber bullets at the protesters. According to the independent Belarusian newspaper Nasha Niwa, at least one person was injured.

The human rights organization Wjesna reported several injuries and around a hundred arrests, also in other cities in the country. Images from the Ria Novosti news agency show security forces in Minsk dragging detainees across the asphalt, pressing them to the ground and tying them up with cable ties. In the city of Lida, authorities confirmed the use of tear gas.

Lukashenko lets the ultimatum expire

The Belarusian Interior Ministry confirmed the use of special funds against “violent protesters”. He told the Russian state news agency Ria that the protesters had tried to attack security forces. This information could not be independently verified at first.

If the demands are not met, the whole country will unite in a great general strike, Tichanovskaya announced. On October 26 there will be “a national strike of all businesses, the blockade of all highways, the collapse of sales in state businesses.” Lukashenko has released some prisoners from prison, but no further concessions are in sight.

Tichanovskaya ran against Lukashenko in the elections and is now in exile.

Icon: The mirror
