RKI breakdown next: German numbers likely higher


The number of corona infections is increasing, the scope of the policy to contain the pandemic is shrinking. A technical malfunction at the Robert Koch Institute was now known when the figures were transmitted.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, German health authorities reported at least 11,242 new corona infections in one day on Friday. This figure is comparable to the record level of 11,287 cases the day before and is well above the 7,334 new infections reported on Friday last week.

However, the current total may be even higher. Due to a technical glitch at the Robert Koch Institute, there were temporary gaps in the data in the transmission of infection figures from the federal states on Thursday. RKI spokesperson Susanne Glasmacher announced on Friday that a web server failure at RKI on Thursday afternoon disrupted communications from health authorities to responsible state authorities and from those to RKI for nearly three hours until 5.30 p.m. But then the server started working again.

Corona hot spots in North Rhine-Westphalia affected

The missing data would be automatically broadcast on Friday during the day and then appear in the post on Saturday. “Only then can we see how big the data gap is,” Glasmacher added. Corona’s hotspots in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, were affected by the breakdown.

Only yesterday the “mirror” had revealed that the RKI had often used incomplete data to calculate the seven-day incidence in recent weeks.

People in masks in front of Cologne Cathedral: The number of corona infections in Germany has exploded in recent days.  (Source: AP / dpa)People in masks in front of Cologne Cathedral: The number of corona infections in Germany has exploded in recent days. (Source: AP / dpa)

The total number of infections is generally higher than in spring. However, they are only comparable up to a point because so many more tests are now being done and thus more infections are being discovered. According to experts, recently reported infections are an indication of how strong the virus was in society about a week ago due to the time between infection, test, result, and report. So it will take some time before the policy measures are reflected in the registration figures.

Incomplete statistics

Friday morning’s numbers for the entire pandemic are also likely incomplete due to technical failure. According to this information, the RKI had registered 403,291 people in Germany who were or are verifiably infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus (as of October 23 at 12 am). Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection was 9,954. That was 49 more than the day before. According to RKI estimates, there were around 310,200 recovered on Friday morning.

The number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents in a week was, according to RKI data on Friday, a national average of 60.3. Two days earlier this incidence was 51.3.

The number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.11 in Germany according to RKI’s status report on Thursday (previous day: 1.09). This means that ten infected people infect eleven other people. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

In addition, the RKI includes the so-called seven-day R in its management report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value is now 1.23 (previous day: 1.17). It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.
