Coronavirus: EU countries tighten measures after spike in new infections


In view of the increasing number of infections, several countries in Europe have tightened their measures in the crown crisis. For example, Poland closes all restaurants as of Saturday and prohibits gatherings with more than five people. Belgium closes the amusement parks. And in the Czech Republic, the Minister of Health has to leave his post because he violated his own regulations.

As the government in Denmark announced, no more than ten people can gather in one place as of Monday. Previously, the limit was 50. Also, newsagents and supermarkets can no longer sell alcohol after 10 pm “Corona is not over, on the contrary, it is back at full speed,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at a conference of press. He asked the Danes to limit their personal contacts to ten people.

For the period from October 29 to January 2, 2021, the mandatory mask will also be extended. Then it applies not only to public transport, but to all rooms that are publicly accessible. This also applies specifically to supermarkets, libraries, and take-out restaurants.

New restrictions on entry into Denmark will also take effect on Saturday night. Anyone entering from Germany must provide a valid reason. This can be visiting relatives, working or studying. Schleswig-Holstein residents can continue to travel to Denmark. Frederiksen announced that border controls would be tightened before the end of the year.

Distance education for most Polish students

In Poland the number of infections compared to the population is now almost three times higher than in Germany. The country must curb the spread of the corona virus, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said. The catering is initially closed for two weeks, but can be extended. Computer distance learning was prescribed for all students from fourth grade onward. Children and young people up to 16 years old can only leave the house or apartment between 8 am and 4 pm during the day if they are accompanied by an adult.

Belgium It is the second country with the highest number of infections in the EU after the Czech Republic in relation to its population. Amusement parks must initially close for the next four weeks. A maximum of 40 people can participate in cultural, religious or other events inside, as long as Corona rules are observed. If a distance of at least one and a half meters is guaranteed, there may be up to 200 people who must nevertheless wear a mask.

In universities, the rooms cannot be used more than 20 percent; Here too a mask is required. Exceptions apply in the first year of study. Spectators are again prohibited at sporting events. If possible, people should continue to work from home.

The Czech Minister of Health should go

In Czech Republic the restaurants have been closed for a week and a half. Health Minister Roman Prymula apparently visited one anyway. The newspaper “Blesk” photographed the politician and epidemiologist leaving a fancy restaurant at night without wearing a mask. Prime Minister Andrej Babis announced that he had asked the 56-year-old to resign. Otherwise, it will be released. The minister’s misconduct is “unforgivable.”

Also in Latvia Restrictions on the population are tightened. The Riga government is reducing the number of people allowed to attend events to 10 indoors and 100 outdoors. The new restriction applies from Saturday. Starting Monday, no more than 300 people will be able to gather in rooms at public and business events. The new rules are initially limited to November 15.

In addition, the government decided that the requirement for masks in public places should be expanded. In the Baltic country of the EU, for example, mouth protection must be worn at events with fixed and custom seats. So far there has been an exception. The time limitation of the mask requirement until November 6 has also been removed; now it is unlimited.

New travel advisories for EU regions

Starting at midnight, the travel warning issued by the Foreign Ministry on Thursday will apply to Switzerland, almost all of Austria, much of Italy, Poland and some other regions of the European Union.

In addition to the travel warning, the new mandatory test for travelers from corona risk areas in Bavaria is particularly rejected. Politicians and business representatives criticize the weekly corona test that travelers have been demanding since Friday. “A certain amount of preparation time would have been desirable,” said Günther Platter, head of the Tyrolean region.

Starting Saturday, a travel warning from the Foreign Ministry will apply to all of Austria, except for the federal state of Carinthia and two small enclaves on the German border. If you enter Germany without a current negative Corona test result, you must go into quarantine, from which you can then be “tested.” Exceptions apply to travelers. As of November 8, travelers from Austria can only be released from quarantine after five days with a trial.

Icon: The mirror
