Corona: Robert Koch Institute reports new record 11,287 infections


The situation of the crown in Germany is getting worse. Now, the Robert Koch Institute has presented its current case numbers, and these are alarming. Consequently, 11,287 new infections with the coronavirus were found in the country in 24 hours. That means a new high by far.

The previous maximum had been 7830 infections in a day and was reported by health authorities last Friday.

Suddenly, the Chancellor’s forecast no longer seems so unrealistic. Angela Merkel warned a few weeks ago that the daily number of infections in Germany could rise to more than 19,000 per day in the medium term. This is related, among other things, to the change of season. Naturally, there are fewer outdoor activities in the fall and winter. In closed rooms, however, there is a significantly higher risk of infection.

More recently, there was a crown case at the highest political level in Germany. Last night it was announced that the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, had been infected. The CDU politician is plagued with cold symptoms. He immediately went into domestic isolation. Spahn attended a cabinet meeting at the Foreign Ministry on Wednesday. In the images you can see him with a protection for his mouth and nose.

Health minister’s illness causes a stir

Time and time again, top politicians had to go into quarantine due to risky encounters. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier hit him on Saturday. The reason was the positive corona test performed by a bodyguard. Since then, two tests by the head of state have come back negative.

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) had already entered quarantine on Monday due to a warning via the Corona app. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) and Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) had also temporarily isolated themselves at the end of September. A bodyguard was also infected near Maas. Altmaier went into quarantine as a precautionary measure because an employee of an EU minister who was present with him at a meeting of EU trade ministers in Berlin tested positive.

In March, as a precautionary measure, Chancellor Merkel was also quarantined at her home for almost two weeks because she had been vaccinated by a doctor who was found to be infected with the coronavirus shortly after.

Icon: The mirror
