Cabinet approves bill: Law against sexual violence on the way


Sexual violence against children must be punished more severely. The federal cabinet approved a bill in this regard. In particular, penalties for distributing child pornography will increase.

The federal government has launched the bill to combat sexual violence against children. The cabinet approved the proposal of the Federal Minister of Justice, Christine Lambrecht. In the future, child abuse will be classified as a crime with a series of sentences ranging from one year to 15 years in prison.

Lengthy sentences for distributing child pornography

In particular, the distribution of child pornography is punished more severely. Commercial or gang distribution must result in at least two years in prison. Previously, the perpetrators were threatened with prison terms of between six months and ten years. In the case of the production of child pornographic content that reproduces a real event, the limitation period should only begin in the future when the victim reaches the age of 30.

The bill also provides for more effective law enforcement, greater prevention and better qualification of judicial authorities. To clearly identify the injustice of the facts, in the future the penal code will no longer say “sexual abuse of children”, but “sexual violence against children”. The facts are no longer considered a crime but a crime.

“Fight atrocities with all your might”

In addition, an express regulation on the criminal responsibility of sex dolls with childish appearance will be included in the penal code. This should also close the market for such dolls. The penalty for production and distribution must be up to five years in prison or a fine. Up to three years in prison or a fine for acquisition and possession are foreseen.

Lambrecht said the cabinet had decided on a comprehensive package “to fight these atrocities with all its might and better protect children.” She had presented the plans about three months ago, in view of the ever-new cases of organized sexual exploitation of children, as in Münster and Bergisch Gladbach. It also responded to the Union’s demands for tougher penalties.

Criticism of Bavaria

The bill doesn’t go far enough for all of them. Bavarian Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich calls for at least three years in prison if someone “runs a forum that serves a large number of people to exchange or distribute child pornography.” He said that Bavarian broadcasting. Lambrecht’s bill only provides for one year in prison.

The German Association of Judges stated that there was little that could be achieved with tougher penalties if the law was stagnant. The association called on the federal states to upgrade the staffing of their youth welfare offices, police authorities, prosecutors and courts, and to make the protection of children a top policy priority.

The child protection association was also dissatisfied: President Heinz Hilgers told the “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland” newspapers that the police and the judiciary were already working to the limit of their resilience due to the large amount of data showing violence. sexual against children. However, without increased prosecution pressure, the tightening of criminal law is nothing more than a symbolic policy.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 21, 2020 at 9:00 am
