After Berchtesgadener Land: fear of another blockade


After the closure in Berchtesgadener Land, fears are mounting that similar measures will be imposed elsewhere. The Association of Towns and Municipalities does not rule it out for large cities either. A warning comes from Berlin.

Tight exit restrictions in the Berchtesgadener Land district have been in place since yesterday, and in view of the number of new infections in Germany, fears are mounting that similar measures are needed elsewhere.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn told ZDF that this depends on the infection process and how it can be contained. “This may actually lead to appropriate measures in other areas at the local, regional level,” said the CDU politician. “That is exactly the approach we have, not uniform throughout Germany, but always taking the appropriate measures for the situation. And I am convinced that then they will also be better accepted.”

Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier did not rule this out either. “The situation is serious, we have extremely dynamic events,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. SPD epidemiologist and health expert Karl Lauterbach said: “We will see things like Berchtesgaden more often now. We can only react with local closures, so they are appropriate.”

Berlin health senator warns of lockdown

In the case of the City and Municipal Association, it is not ruled out for large cities either. “If the numbers are as high as they are now in Berchtesgadener Land, then unfortunately I can also imagine it in bigger cities,” said “Bild” general manager Gerd Landsberg. The administrative effort to enforce the law in the districts of big cities like Berlin-Neukölln is “significantly higher”, but it is manageable.

Berlin’s health senator Dilek Kalayci also warned of a lockdown and advocated stricter measures in the capital to do so. “The infection process is diffuse, it can no longer be clearly assigned to outbreaks, only eight percent,” he said in the rbb. So there was nothing left but to enforce the general rules more strongly. This includes minimizing contact, covering your mouth and nose, and keeping your distance. “To be honest, beyond that we don’t have as many resources, so there is only one lock.” His strategy is to prevent such a thing with strict measures now.

Söder: “political-mental” problems in the fight against the crown

The Bavarian district of Berchtesgaden is by far the leading national in terms of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days with 236. For the first time since spring, leaving your own apartment there has only been allowed with one reason valid from Tuesday. Schools and nurseries were closed. In the common morning magazine of ARD and ZDF, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU), was backing the district administrator Bernhard Kern. The local decision to largely shut down public life was necessary and correct, he said.

At the same time, Söder defended himself against the charge that the Free State was not sufficiently prepared for the second crown wave. You don’t need a “debt debate,” he said. Rather, it is about fighting the pandemic together so as not to have to impose a national blockade as in other European countries. In Germany, in reality, “there is no logistical problem” in the fight against pandemics, but rather “political-mental”. Many increasingly disparage the pandemic and its effects. You have to “take the sensible and put a railing on the unreasonable,” Söder said.

Bavaria as a whole is now also above the nationally agreed warning value of 50. Today, Söder wants to make a statement from the government in the state parliament on its strategy in the fight against the virus. It takes a cautious and fairly regulatory course, but is increasingly criticized for it. On the other hand, he knows that there is a majority of citizens who, according to national surveys, think that the measures are generally correct.

Adequate warnings or threats?

The deputy leader of the Union parliamentary group, Carsten Linnemann (CDU), opposed “taking an entire country hostage for the misconduct of a few”, as he put it in the “Frankfurter”, through “increasing threats “And increasingly” thumbscrews “in the fight against the General Daily pandemic,” he said. “Too often we hear the strongest warnings from political leaders, but too little differentiation.” 95 percent of citizens obeyed the rules. Those “who still celebrate weddings with several hundred family members” should be hampered. However, in many places, the spread of the virus can no longer be traced to individual events, such as in Berlin.

Even the medical profession disagrees with the appropriate tone of voice in discussion. Like the president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, the deputy director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Stephan Hofmeister, warned about the spread of fear: “We believe that a little more calm and objectivity and a little less threat could help, the next year and a half also to survive, “he told dpa. On the contrary, the director of the Marburger Bund doctors union, Susanne Johna, considers the Chancellor’s warning justified. Angela Merkel on a loss of control “It is correct to draw a clear picture of the situation and point out the consequences if the current trend continues,” she told the “Passauer Neue Presse.”
