Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 00:07 Bulgarian president must be in self-isolation +++


Bulgarian President Rumen Radew must go into self-isolation according to the assessment of the national health ministry. Radew contacted a military representative who later tested positive for Corona, explains Health Minister Kostadin Angelow. Radew had a negative test result after an aborted trip to Estonia today, but a second test had to wait. The date of a second test and the likely duration of a possible quarantine remain unclear at first. The President himself stressed that he had always strictly adhered to the health protection standards, was in excellent health and had no symptoms.

+++ 23:31 Virologist Ciesek: Two factors decide how we spend the winter +++
According to Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek, how well Germany copes with the winter depends mainly on two factors: “One is the public health service, how the monitoring works,” she says on the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”: “Yes health authorities no longer manage that, it will lead to this famous tipping point and the dynamics of the spread could suddenly change. ” The other important component is the contact restriction, that is, the behavior of each individual. “We make it much more difficult for the health department when we have a lot of people to contact.” Ciesek also believes it is important not to give up testing. “If you only evaluate the symptomatic, it would progress faster. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

+++ 22:56 excess mortality: about 300,000 more deaths in the US than usual +++
During the pandemic, nearly 300,000 more people died in the US than the average in previous years, US disease authorities reported to the CDC. About two-thirds of the additional deaths between January 26 and October 3 are likely due to the coronavirus. According to epidemiologists, excess mortality is the best way to determine the true number of deaths in a disease outbreak. The virus has caused inordinate numbers of people with Hispanic and African American roots to die from the virus, according to the CDC. The number of deaths was also higher in the 25-44 age group than in the past.

+++ 22:28 intensive care doctor: no bottleneck in beds, but on staff +++
Clinics in Germany are not at risk of collapse due to the surge in Covid 19 patients, but there could be bottlenecks in other areas. This is the opinion of Stefan Kluge, head of intensive care medicine at the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Center on the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”. There he spoke with the Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek. Currently, six percent of “positive tests” would be admitted to the hospital as inpatients, Kluge said.

About two percent of those infected would have to go to an intensive care unit. The total number of intensive care patients with Covid-19 is currently “still relatively moderate.” The health system is also prepared for a further increase in the number of patients. “Nobody in Germany will die because they don’t have a ventilation bed. That won’t happen,” says Kluge. There are currently enough free intensive care beds; the bottleneck is the staff. “Inattention is our main problem.” That was the case before Corona. If more Covid patients have to be treated in intensive care units, the staff has to be redeployed within the clinic “and that leads to a reduction in performance in the other areas, that has to be very clear to us.”

You can read detailed information on the status of corona data here.

+++ 22:06 More than 20,000 new cases in France +++
France again registers a significantly higher number of new infections. The Ministry of Health figures the confirmed infections in the last 24 hours at 20,468, after 13,243 on Monday. However, the numbers tend to be lower on Monday because there is less testing on Sunday. The total number of cases came to 930,745 from Tuesday’s figures. If the current trend continues, the million mark could be surpassed before the weekend. The death toll increased by 262 to 33,885.

+++ 21:32 Two federal states reach maximum values ​​+++
Two federal states have high levels of new infections in 24 hours. Berlin reports 822 new cases, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 72, more than ever since the beginning of the pandemic. Two federal states also transmitted four-digit numbers: in Bavaria there were 1,166 and in North Rhine-Westphalia 2,151 new infections.

+++ 21:03 Current data status in Germany: 7570 new infections reported +++
The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 376,488. As can be seen from the information from state authorities evaluated by, 7,570 new cases were added in 24 hours. Tuesday’s figures include late reports from some federal states over the weekend. The number of deaths related to an infection increased from 56 to 9,856. There are currently about 70,300 people infected.

The infection rate (R value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.25 (previous day: 1.35). This means that an average of 100 infected people infect another 125 people with Sars-CoV-2. The 7-day R-value is currently 1.23 (previous day: 1.25). According to the Divi Register, 879 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 411 of whom are ventilated. Around 8,870 intensive care beds are still available in German clinics.

You can find more information about the most important Corona data here Read.

You can read the most important developments on the current situation regarding the global coronavirus pandemic here.
