Berlin is tightening Corona’s rules: mask requirements now apply on these ten streets – Berlin


In the future, mouth and nose protection should be used more in public spaces in Berlin. The Senate decided Tuesday to extend the mask requirement to areas where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be observed. In the future, it will also apply to weekly, flea and Christmas markets, as well as shopping malls and queues.

In the future, Berliners will also have to wear a mask on ten city streets, selected on the recommendation of Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD), from Friedrichshagen to the old town of Spandau: Steglitzer Schlossstrasse, Bergmannstrasse in Kreuzberg, Friedrichstrasse, Ku’damm, Bölschestrasse. in Friedrichshagen, Karl-Marx-Strasse in Neukölln, Tauentzienstrasse, Spandau Old Town, Wilmersdorfer Strasse and Alte Schönhauser Strasse.

“The list does not have to be exhaustive,” Müller said. In addition, all persons are encouraged to cover their mouth and nose wherever they are in public places.

The obligation to use protection already applies in stores, buses and trains, in offices, in restaurants away from the table or in schools, but only outside of class and not on the playground.

Other restrictions for private parties

The coalition also agreed that in the future only 25 people will be allowed to gather in private outdoor celebrations instead of the previous 50. A household can host a maximum of five guests or two households can meet indoors.

The restriction Müller refers to as the “rule of 5” was also discussed in a similar way for outdoor gatherings. According to Müller, the SPD would have liked to implement it, “but you always have to weigh in a coalition and find a common path.” The left in particular reportedly had objections.

The curfew remains for the moment

The curfew is maintained in Berlin, after which bars, restaurants and night bars have to close their doors at 11 pm and gas stations can no longer sell alcohol. The Senate wants to secure regulation with the help of an ordinance and a change in the law.

Because the administrative court ruled last Friday that the curfew did not stand up to legal scrutiny. Since then, it has continued to be applied; at the moment, however, not for the eleven claimant bars. The Senate complaint has yet to be decided.

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Alluding to the legal dispute, Müller said his concern was “that individuals sue for the last, last bit of selfishness” until everyone is affected again in the sense of a confinement. Now it is up to the discipline of each individual to implement the rules.

“There are not many ways to prevent a lockdown”

The ruling mayor also spoke excitedly about the decision-making process regarding contact restrictions. “To what extent can families stay together?” This was one of the most difficult questions that needed an answer, Müller said.

The ruler was concerned about the rapid increase in corona infections. “If we can’t stop the number of infections, there will have to be more restrictions,” he said. “We don’t have many options to avoid a new blockade.”

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Corona in Ihrem Kiez. In unseren Tagesspiegel-Bezirksnewslettern berichten wir über die Krise und die Auswirkungen auf Ihren Bezirk. Kostenlos und kompakt:]

On Tuesday, Berlin hit a new record during the pandemic with 822 recently reported corona cases in one day. However, the ruling does not want a temporary lockdown as a measure to contain the numbers, as proposed by the mayor of the Pankow district, Sören Benn (left). “A two-week lockdown also has dramatic consequences, for example for the education system and the economy.”
